Page 65 - Non_Financial_Annual_Report_2021 (10th June).indd
P. 65

Reimagine | Reinvent | Grow


        The Mining & Metals (M&M) industry is facing new challenges. In    Energy transition and Net-Zero based redesign approach
        the past, the mining sector had to plan their production based       Adopting Controlled-Tower methodology in new normal
        on “highest volumes at the lowest production cost”. Today, they   conditions
        have to be profitable and productive and sustainable under
        new & upcoming regulations. The Mining and Metals (M&M)       Innovate and integrate various functions to bring greater
        sector is returning to growth, but companies face a transformed   capital efficiency
        competitive and operating landscape.                      Adoption of Industry 4.0/5.0, digitalisation and remote-
        Key drivers for the next decade for this sector are the   controlled centre for plant operations
        following :

            Import substitution strategy (Resource Security) with
            redefined globalisation

            Climate change and environmental sustainability without
            compromising competitiveness

                                                              A PROJECT
                                                              Vessel replacement in Steel Melt Shop

                                                              Among 2 - 330T capacity Converter vessel inside a
                                                              Steel Melt Shop, one old Converter was planned to be
                                                              replaced keeping other Converter under operation to
                                                              meet the production requirement. TCE was awarded to
                                                              prepare an Option Selection Report with 3 most suitable
                                                              cost-effective Concept for Converter replacement work,
                                                              keeping downtime for replacement work as minimum
                                                              as possible, with minimum building structure alteration,
                                                              maintaining all safety aspects during construction work &
                                                              safety regarding ongoing production in another converter
                                                              A 3D model of the 330T capacity Converter vessel with
                                                              its associated parts, Dog House structure, Duct work,
                                                              Building structure, Operated Cranes inside the plant in
                                                              different bays, other relevant facilities and installation at
                                                              the vicinity of the converter vessel was prepared based
                                                              on the 3D scan data, As-Built drawing & Drone survey to
                                                              transform the asset into a digital platform, with zero site
                                                              visit from engineering office. The most advanced jacking
                                                              & skidding system used in construction work are being
                                                              explored to facilitate removal & installation of the vessel in
                                                              blowing stand through a confined corridor.
                                                              Based on a detailed study for 3 options, activities for
                                                              replacing the existing vessel are being identified. Relevant
                                                              structural analysis, Design and other necessary calculation
                                                              are being done to estimate the quantity of modification
                                                              work required. Finally, digital technical specifications
                                                              for the vessel replacement work & building structure
                                                              alteration shall be issued to collect fit-for-purpose offers
                                                              with minimum human intervention at the site.

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