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22  Annual Report 2020-21



        This sector continues to deliver creative solutions to   M&M BU has built its strength in Capex and Opex areas for the
        customers worldwide across the value chain of:        Iron & Steel Industry by providing services in building some of
            Iron & Steel                                      the largest plants in Iron & Steel making and Finishing areas
                                                              and rebuilding the existing world in close coordination with
            Mining & Beneficiation of Ferrous & Non-ferrous
                                                              the world reputed technology suppliers. For the last five years,
            Smelting and Processing                           the diversification has also resulted in customer orientation
        The focus areas in the mining sector are:             in providing services related to productivity improvement,

            Geology and Mine Planning                         operational assistance and asset integrity management
                                                              throughout the life cycle of the assets. In the non-ferrous area,
            Mineral Processing and beneficiation
                                                              the sector strategy has resulted in innovative solutions to the
            Material Handling.                                reputed customers in the green metal entire value chain.
        Our areas of expertise are:                           The experiences gained in the OPEX services has now been
                                                              expanded to the non-ferrous areas to meet the present business
            Concept to Commissioning Services with interface   objective. A separate dedicated team is working on identified
                                                              initiatives like Energy Transition, Clean technology, High-value
            Portfolio Management Services                     product differentiation, and Digital point solution to identified
            Process Engineering & Interface Management        Industrial problems and partners.
            Layout & Logistics                                The sector approach will be towards reskilling the entire
            Sustainability & Environmental Engineering        workforce to orient in changing Industry need and the drivers
            Waste Management                                  enforcing the changes - Re-envisioning talent management in
                                                              the digital age.
            Asset Integrity Management

           A PROJECT
           Establishing viability of a Copper Smelter Project
           in Indonesia

           TCE was inducted into the project at a critical juncture, with
           a brief of doing a Gap Analysis of the FEED document. For
           TCE, it was a first of a kind (FOAK) assignment on the captive
           copper smelter.
           During the process, due to the high project Cost Estimate,
           TCE was asked to take the additional task of optimisation and
           value engineering to bring down the overall Project Cost. TCE
           studied and analysed the project and carried out trade-off
           studies on multiple ideas (termed ‘M-15 Initiatives’). Based on
           these studies, the capacity of the project was changed to 900
           kTPA and accordingly, the entire project was re-structured
           and re-engineered. TCE carried out a fresh Cost Estimation   In re-structuring and re-engineering to downsize the plant,
           based on the M-15 Initiatives. The new Capex Figure arrived   various other areas were also identified with the potential
           at was almost 2/3rd of the FEED estimate and made the   of cost optimisation. In this endeavour, TCE objectively
           project financial far more attractive than it was. Further   analysed each of these ideas based on their technicality,
           fine-tuning was done to show a positive NPV for the project,   cost-effectiveness and operational suitability. Trade-off
           which finally established viability.               studies were also carried out wherever applicable to
           SoW of TCE was further extended to include preparation   establish the suitability of one option over the other. This
           of LSTK bid document, techno-commercial adjudication   part of the SoW has also been successfully concluded, and
           culminating into submission of Evaluation Report with clear   the bids received from the bidders are within ± 10% of the
           Recommendation.                                    TCE Estimate.

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