Page 59 - Non_Financial_Annual_Report_2021 (10th June).indd
P. 59

Reimagine | Reinvent | Grow

        Further, digital solutions for energy efficiency improvements,   Nuclear has narrowed its gap with thermal and is
        system and plant performance improvements and asset life   set to overtake thermal as the largest sector in the
        cycle management solutions are being developed and offered
        to thermal asset owners.  Power business has developed unique   power business. The domestic market continues
        Industry 4.0 based Point Solutions to cater to the large base of   to provide opportunities in PHWR Fleet Reactors,
        installed thermal power plants. Opex services offered include   with Gorakhpur 1&2 2x700MW set to complete
        environmental upgrades, renovation and modernisation
        of existing assets. Thermal Capex orders have been on a   engineering activities and Kaiga 5&6 2x700MW set
        downward trend during last 3 to 4 years and will continue to   to begin in FY2021-22. Power business has entered
        face degrowth. Hence, the Power business is working around   into strategic partnerships with technology
        solutions for Energy Transition by forming a cross-functional
        team to develop Green Hydrogen solutions for use in other   providers to ensure a pie out of imported Bulk
        industrial plants.                                    Reactors set to take off in FY2021-22. A large
        The power business is also set to realise the Transmission   team of 60+ engineers from TCE is stationed
        and Distribution sector’s full potential and is now focused   in France, working with ITER (International
        on growth.  This sector has considerable investments under   Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor), the first
        National Infrastructure Pipeline for grid infrastructure upgrades,
        HVDC, distribution and smart metering. This sector has   fusion reactor. The sector is actively scouting for
        proven abilities on challenging grid-level energy storage,   opportunities in the European market, having
        renewable integration, reduction of AT&C losses, resilient grid   made forays in immediate neighbourhood,
        infrastructure, electrical system studies other than routine
        transmission lines and substations.                   Rooppur Bangladesh, other than ITER in France.

        Power business has thus demonstrated the tenacity to be a sustainable business amidst energy transition. It is
        strategically focused on developing new technology solutions, digital and opex solutions and growth of nuclear, hydro,
        renewable and T&D sectors to offset thermal degrowth.

                 KEY ACHIEVEMENTS

            Integrated CSP & sCO  based Power Plant for           eFAT of 66kV GIS & 11kV Switchgear for Wipro
            Department of Science and Technology, Government     During the Pandemic, conducting & witnessing Factory
            of India in association with Indian Institute of Science,   Acceptance Test (FAT) of electrical equipment became a
            Bengaluru                                            significant challenge as factory visits were restricted.
            A first of its kind effort to prepare a Detailed Project Report   Any delay in equipment supply to the project site impacts
            for an integrated CSP (Concentrated Solar Power) & sCO    the project completion schedule. TCE proposed an online
            (Super-critical Carbon Dioxide) based power plant is in   FAT [eFAT] option for 66kV Breaker & 11kV Switchgear. This
            an advanced stage of completion. The report includes   innovative idea was well received and appreciated by
            the basic design details, cost estimates and a road map   customer & vendors. Three  360° cameras were used at the
            for scaling up and indigenising the manufacture of the   manufacturer’s shop to enable this digital inspection, which
            equipment in India under Aatma-Nirbhar initiative.   offered a real inspection environment and visualisation of
                                                                 test readings from the remote.

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