Page 58 - Non_Financial_Annual_Report_2021 (10th June).indd
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                                                                                            22  Annual Report 2020-21

                       POWER BUSINESS REVIEW

        The Power Business of TCE is amongst the top two players in the Indian market, providing value-added
        engineering services from concept to commissioning and life cycle management services. With decades
        of experience in Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, the business is geared up to deliver
        emerging customer aspirations. Having made its mark in engineering and project management of
        various thermal power plants globally, TCE’s Power Business has stayed relevant by adapting to the
        changing needs of energy transition towards greener and environmental-friendly power plants. The
        business unit offers innovative solutions to customer needs focusing on sustainability and environment.

        Globally Engineered Till Date:

                125 GW+                             40 GW+                                  08 GW+

                Thermal & Combined                  Renewable and Large                     Nuclear Power Plants
                Cycle Power Plants                  Hydro Power Plants

        Energy Transition has demanded reinventing the services to   generate green power and efficiently manage water and waste
        ensure business sustainability.  Power Business has matured   water using digital technologies. This aims to convert these
        capabilities in renewables - photovoltaics (PV), concentrated   campuses to future ready net-zero assets.  To address the needs
        solar power (CSP) and onshore wind power.  The same is now   of peak power demand and energy storage requirements,
        expanded to  Offshore Windpower, Floating Solar power and   solutions using pumped-storage schemes and flexibilisation
        Battery Energy Storage System (BESS).  Variable Renewable   of thermal power plants for quick responses to load demand
        Electricity (VRE) has mandated bundling of renewable power   through fast ramp-up/ ramp-down are offered.   In FY2020-21,
        with other power generation sources to provide Round-The-  a record new business of 25 Cr has been achieved in the Hydro
        Clock (RTC) power.    Power Business has launched Sustainable    sector through pumped storage schemes, traditional hydro
        Campus Solution for campuses of universities, hospitals,   generation plants, renovation, and modernisation of existing
        colonies, gated communities, R&D centress, and MSMEs to   assets.
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