Page 53 - Non_Financial_Annual_Report_2021 (10th June).indd
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Reimagine | Reinvent | Grow

        Urban Design                                          Climate and Sustainability Services
            City & Street Planning                                Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment
            Urban Design                                          Life Cycle Assessment
            Urban Planning
                                                                  SDG Implementation Handholding
        Sustainable Engineeronomics                               Design Enhancement
            Building Engineering (MEP)                            Sustainability Audits
            Land Development and Wet Infrastructure               Green Building Certification
            BIM 7D
                                                                  Sustainability Monitoring (Post Occupancy Evaluation)
            Flood Modelling and Stormwater Management
            Vertical Transport and Crowd Mobility                 Testing & Commissioning
            Technical Due Diligence

        Program Management
            Self – Redevelopment Programs
            Heritage Buildings
            Special Buildings
            Sports Infrastructure


            With increasing awareness about sustainable living,       Successfully started New initiatives for:
            increasing trends are visible for demand in sustainable   • Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (Flood Modelling)
            designs and buildings. Both public and private players are   • Redevelopment of Societies
            increasingly looking for solutions to coexist with nature.  • Warehouse & Data Centre

            The digital revolution is also visible with growing impetus on       Volume program for sustainability: Entering into
            Digital Modelling and Building Information Modelling (BIM)   new areas or volume programs like pre-investment due
            requirements to intelligently manage built spaces.   diligence with funding agencies, Technical due diligence
                                                                 for real estate players and climate change risk assessments
            Aggressive pricing by all Consultants/Competitors.
                                                                 with volume players in warehousing, data centre or other
            Reduced willingness to pay for quality/comprehensive work   commercial properties.

            Tendency towards EPC mode                             Sustainable Integrated Designs (SID): Acquired new
                                                                 projects from real estate, strengthening the portfolio further.
            Smaller consultants coming together to provide single point     Signing MOU with Earl Carl Wash for a long term
                                                                 partnership for sustainable technology implementation
            Longer validity period due to uncertainty on project   support program pan India.
            completion timelines                                  Acquired and delivered assignments for IMF
        In line with the market trends, Ecofirst is gearing up to provide   (pre-investment assessment)
        sustainable solutions and continuously update its portfolio with
        the changes in the environment. The subsidiary has proven its
        mettle with flawless execution and delivery of several mega
        projects. It has achieved Platinum & Gold certifications to
        establish itself as a leading player in the sustainable solutions

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