Page 49 - Non_Financial_Annual_Report_2021 (10th June).indd
P. 49

Reimagine | Reinvent | Grow

        Impact of COVID-19 on Construction                    ensure higher efficiency and efficacy of construction activities,
                                                              decreasing dependence on physical records and increasing
        COVID-19 Pandemic has impacted commercial activities and                                       TM
        industries worldwide and includes the construction industry,   safety in the post-COVID-19 scenario. TCE SmartSite  was
        representing 13 per cent of global GDP. The Pandemic resulted   made hygiene across all Sites, leading to more robustness and
        in an execution slowdown in construction projects and   transparency in data-driven decision-making. And, we continue
        created workforce-related issues, especially the shortage of   our aspirations to join the global leaders in ensuring adoption of
        migrant workers forced by the situation to return to their native   Digital Mechanism for improving productivity, making Industry
        countries and towns.                                  more data-driven, efficient tracking and intermediate planning
                                                              of Projects, etc.
        Firms in the construction industry were faced with a plethora
        of financial problems, including, but not limited to, liquidity
        crisis, pressure on cash flows and profitability, debt servicing   KEY TRENDS SHAPING THE INDUSTRY
        challenges, etc. Many companies faced legal issues and found it   Different industries and markets are following different trends
        extremely difficult to deliver as per contractual commitments.   for their optimal growth, often at varying speeds. However,

        As a PMC, we faced our own set of problems such as lower   in a post-COVID-19 scenario, all the industries, including
        revenue realisation and increased costs due to work stoppages   Construction, are finding it apt to make their businesses well-
        at sites, poor progress on lumpsum jobs, revenue leakages   connected in a more digitised way. Hence, Digitalisation finds
        due to restricted mobility of engineers, ensuring proper   its place at the top in the present scenario of the Construction
        Safety standards for restarting Site operations, understanding   industry.
        and supporting Contractual implications of both Client and   Following the trend, PMCBU has pledged itself towards digital
        Contractor sides and suggesting measures in the best interest   workflows ranging from the adoption of SmartSite  to drone-
        of the Projects, etc. All these challenges were reviewed by the   powered scanning and getting friendly with prefabricated
        cross-functional periodic meetings to ensure agile planning   technologies and its automation to embracing BIM.
        and implementation of appropriate action points. These   Acknowledging that the future of Construction lies in digital
        cross-functional taskforces helped in the mobility of our   tools and automated workflows, the BU is putting continual
        Engineers across States and Countries (approx. an average of 45   efforts into training and adopting technology-enabled tools
        Engineers were working in Africa and South-East Asia out of a   to improve efficiency, productivity, and collaboration at
        total average of 800 Engineers), tracked workforce at Sites and   Construction sites.
        ensured the implementation of COVID-19 guidelines and SOP
        for Health & Safety of every Stakeholder, understood Project   The above shift requires the support of remote worksites
        Risks and suggested mitigation measures and catch up plans in   through Mobile access to real-time data, real-time inspections,
        the best interest of Projects.                        onsite accountability, including approval workflows and
                                                              accurate measurements taken from a mobile phone camera.
        Amidst all this, TCE also understood the importance and   The post-COVID-19 scenario has mandated that teams continue
        increased its thrust in accelerating adoption of digital and other   to collaborate without physical access to materials, spaces, or
        innovative technologies like 5-D BIM, Rapid Digital Mapping,   even other teammates.
        Digital Collaboration & Mobility, IIoT, Modular Construction,
        etc. and enhanced its pace to make these more relevant to

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