Page 63 - Non_Financial_Annual_Report_2021 (10th June).indd
P. 63

Reimagine | Reinvent | Grow


        Under this sector, TCE provides comprehensive EPCM services   There is a thrust to utilise indigenously available Coal for
        to clients in the fields of:                          manufacturing liquid fuel and Chemicals using Coal Gasification
                                                              Technology. This will help in reducing the country’s Crude
            Oil, Gas and Petroleum Refineries
                                                              Import bill.
                                                              India’s refining capacity is planned to increase from 230 MMTPA
            Fertilisers                                       to 440 MMTPA by 2030. All the refineries are now integrated
            Chemicals & Specialty Chemicals                   with downstream petrochemical complexes to improve ROI
                                                              and cater to the increasing demands of plastic polymers in
            Food & Pharmaceuticals                            the domestic market. Apart from the Capex projects in the
            Glass, Rubber, Cement and Allied Process Industries  domestic market, we expect to have good opportunities in the
                                                              global market for the following  types of projects to meet the
                                                              need for sustainability and tighter emission controls:

        KEY TRENDS SHAPING THE INDUSTRY                           Plant upgrades, Automation and Revamps
                                                                  Asset Integrity Management
        The Hydrocarbons and Chemicals sector envisages growth
        opportunities in the Indian markets fueled by higher       Energy Optimisation Studies
        consumption associated with rising living standards and       Efficiency improvement & Debottlenecking
        rapid urbanisation in India. The growing realisation about
        the risk associated with the large concentration of Chemicals   We see opportunities in bioethanol investments in India.
        manufacturing in one country will present good opportunities   Government of India has given a very challenging target of
        as many large MNCs may plan to de-risk  by diversifying their   blending 20% Ethanol into Petrol by 2025. This will require
        expansion locations.                                  massive addition of Ethanol manufacturing capacity.
                                                              Unfortunately, the 2G Ethanol manufacturing units are not
        Significant investments are planned in the refinery sector   financially viable in stand-alone mode and require Viability Gap
        (both Public and Private Sector), Petrochemicals, and Speciality   Funding from the Government of India.
        Chemicals sectors. Good demand is expected from the
        Construction Chemicals sector as well.                The sector is well poised to leverage these opportunities
                                                              with a healthy mix of domestic and international clients.
        The Government of India aims to increase the share of natural   This strategy is expected to help  the industry maintain its
        gas in its energy mix from 6% to 15% by 2030. The government   growth momentum in the coming years. FY 2020-21 saw the
        also plans to create a National Gas Grid, requiring the   strengthening of TCE’s relationships with marquee clients, and
        installation of additional Gas Pipeline Infrastructure   more such long-term engagements are in the pipeline.

        New and Important Projects

           During FY2020-21, HCBU secured some outstanding and
           challenging projects on which the engineering work is
           progressing well despite the COVID-19 situation. Some of
           the noteworthy projects won during the year are:
               Greenfield Fluorochemical Manufacturing Plant for one
              of our strategic client in the western part of India.
               FEED Review and Project Management Consultancy
              Project for manufacturing Gas Processing and Methanol       Restart at the new location of WAN and TAN
              manufacturing plant for Brass Chemicals Nigeria    manufacturing project in Eastern Part of India

               A capacity expansion project for the manufacture of       Engineering Services for a countrywide program of
              PVC for another strategic client in the southern part of   Petroleum Fuel Retail Outlets for an Oil Marketing
              India.                                             company.

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