Page 61 - Non_Financial_Annual_Report_2021 (10th June).indd
P. 61

Reimagine | Reinvent | Grow


            Sustainable Development Goals are driving Energy       No new utility-scale thermal plants expected, and the focus
            Transition across sectors with a focus on clean and green   in the sector is on digital, flexible power and environmental
            energy. Renewable growth focus across geographies.   upgrades.
            Floating solar PV projects gaining momentum, Offshore     Transmission and distribution infrastructure upgrades in
            wind power gaining traction and GW scale Solar/Wind      India receiving due attention. Higher investments expected
            Hybrid parks being developed in India. Interests in waste to   in transmission infrastructure, HVDC and FACTS, smart grids,
            energy and offshore wind projects are on the rise. Net Zero,   distribution automation, load forecasting, microgrids, smart
            Carbon-free Infrastructure, Digital, EV and Green Hydrogen   metering, WAMS etc. The Asia Pacific and MENA regions
            Economy expected to pick pace in India in coming years.
                                                                 offer international opportunities.
            Flexibilisation of thermal plants, tariff-based competitive     Large-scale renewable integration and adoption of mini
            bidding for Round the Clock (RTC) power with Variable
            Renewable Electricity (VRE) bundled with underutilized   & microgrids will impact the power flow in the grid and
            thermal plants are being awarded. Green Term Ahead   necessitate a new approach for grid planning studies in the
            Market (GTAM) that allows renewable buyers and sellers to   future. Adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), Digitalisation and
            trade without long term PPAs is launched. This governs the   Distribution system Privatisation is also facilitating growth.
            market dynamics going forward.                        Distribution system enhancement will bring in new players
                                                                 in DISCOMs and new opportunities in the areas of due
            With ten units of 700MW PHWRs in fleet mode and      diligence, AT&C loss reduction, infrastructure upgrades,
            imported bulk reactors opportunities, the nuclear sector is
            set to overtake thermal. Overseas opportunities with ITER,   energy storage, smart grids, smart meters and grid
            Korean and European majors offer international growth   automation.
            unexplored thus far.                                  Focus on digitalisation, IIOT and opex services for better
                                                                 plant operation and asset lifecycle management.
            Hydro plants up to 25MW capacity are considered as
            renewables and are eligible for similar benefits. Pumped
            Storage Schemes (PSPs) receiving massive attention due to
            their simplicity, flexibility and quick turnaround to replace

                                                           A PROJECT
                                                           Sustainable Alternatives to Karappara Kuriarkutty
                                                           Irrigation Project – Kerala (SAKKIP)

                                                           •   SAKKIP is an Inter Basin Water Transfer (IBWT) project
                                                               transferring water from Karappara stream of Chalakkudy
                                                               basin to rain shadow regions in Palakkad district of
                                                               Bharathapuzha basin
                                                           •   This multi-purpose project is catering to irrigation,
                                                               hydropower generation, drinking water supply and flood
                                                               control. Also, it is sustainable both environmentally and
                                                               socially as no sanctuary area is involved, no submergence
                                                               of forest land, no rehabilitation and resettlement is

                                                           •   A Detailed Project Report (DPR) of SAKKIP covering survey,
                                                               investigation, design drawings and cost estimates for the
                                                               most feasible solution is complete.
                                                           •   If implemented, this would be the fulfilment of a long-
                                                               cherished dream of the community in the rain shadow
              Dr Rajashekhar Malur, Power Business Unit Head and Vice President,   belts in Kerala.
             submitted the Inception Report to Honorable Minister for Water Resources,
                 Government of Kerala, on 18th February 2021 in Palakkad
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