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22  Annual Report 2020-21

                             TECHNOLOGY GROUP

        The agility of response defines an organisation’s ability to overcome challenges posed by disruptive
        technologies or natural disasters, which can render well-planned policies and risk mitigation measures
        ineffective. The COVID-19 Pandemic that affected multiple businesses and geographies prompted the
        organisation to rethink business strategies to survive and turn the adversity into a growth opportunity.

               03       New Productisation / Templatisation          23 and 5 Panel Discussions
                                                                              Presentations in various conferences

               08       New Solution Offerings                       27 magazines
                                                                              Papers published in reputed journals/

               10       YouTube Videos                               52 of various BIS committees
                                                                              SMEs from TCE enrolled as members

               13       Whitepapers on the TCE website               31 company website
                                                                              Articles written and uploaded on the

        Technology group, which has traditionally been the knowledge   In addition to revitalising and enhancing the organisation’s
        backbone in consulting business, had to reinvent and   existing knowledge base, the technology group also helped
        accelerate work strategies aligned to business requirement.   develop new technology area work resulting in business
        Business continuity plans required strong Work from Home   acquisition in emerging fields of green hydrogen and industrial
        (WfH) strategy implementation leveraging the digital platform.   energy transitions.
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