Page 75 - Non_Financial_Annual_Report_2021 (10th June).indd
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Reimagine | Reinvent | Grow

        IT Initiatives during COVID-19

        The COVID-19 induced lockdown last year caught everyone
        unaware. The employees were anxious and clueless about how
        to work and meet customer commitments. The traditional
        working methods were challenged, and organisations were
        forced to introduce Work from Home (WFH).
        Suddenly the IT Department, which functioned silently in
        the background, became the centre around which the entire
        company operation revolved. Everyone realised the importance
        of these silent warriors.
        Just like the employees, the lockdown was unexpected for the IT
        team as well. Transforming an entire organisation into a virtual
        workforce overnight was a herculean task for any IT team.
        Fortunately, TCE had its infrastructure ready. Within a short time,
        we could plan and align the resources to cater to the new ways
        of working and thus enabled business continuity.

        The first step was to conduct user profiling based on the   3.  Collaboration
        category of users, applications they used, and the mode of   TCE has been using Microsoft Teams, SharePoint and Integrated
        operation. Quickly actions were initiated to get each type   Document Management System and has practised collaborative
        up and running:                                       work culture for many years. This helped our employees get
        •   Individual computing assets were moved to their residences   acquainted with the remote work culture faster.
        •   For some, remote access to the office workstation over a   4.  End-user Support and Awareness
            secure VPN through their personal system was enabled.   IT Helpdesk team provided support to our employees round the
        •   In some cases, secondary assets were arranged for   clock over all communication channels to help this transition.
            employees who didn’t have any personal computer for   We ensured that our task force gets the necessary support from
            initiating remote access to their office systems.  hardware vendors at their doorstep. IT Team engaged in frequent
                                                              communications with all the employees to keep their systems
                                                              safe and advised them to follow standard security hygiene
        1.  Security                                          practices. Periodic emailers were sent out to all employees to
        While we moved away from the office ecosystem and continued   reiterate the awareness of Phishing, Malware, Ransomware and
        performing our roles from the home office, the organisation   other online threats.
        needed visibility of its people, assets, and data. As we move out
        of our corporate network’s secured and protected environment   5.  Infrastructure, the Next Steps
        to an open and unsecured internet, we needed to safeguard our   Being a future-focused organisation, we took proactive steps to
        systems and protect the data from external attacks, intruders, or   address possible chances of network clogging that may arise in
        leakage.                                              the future. Bandwidth was ramped up at all Internet gateways.
                                                              Secondary communication links were introduced to avoid loss of
        Enterprise Mobility Suite helped us extend Conditional Access,   productivity due to link failures.
        where only authorised company assets could access the data
        and download it, preventing data leak. In addition, we migrated   Virtual Desktop Infrastructure was deployed to enable a smooth
        our on-prem antivirus solution to AI/ML-based NextGen   and enhanced remote work experience for 3D engineering
        Antivirus and EDR solution on the cloud with more features   application users. This solution could address the need for high
        and functionality, ensuring more visibility and control of end-  graphic requirements, data availability, data security, and ease of
        user devices and better protection from cyberthreats. We also   access.
        enhanced our Data Security layer by rolling out a DLP solution   With work from home becoming a way of life, we at TCE are
        for endpoints.                                        prepared to serve our customers from anywhere at any time.
        2.  Productivity
        We enabled our employees with secured access to the project
        data and ported the required software licenses to their systems
        in advance, giving them an edge right from day 1. Subsequently,
        we migrated most of our licenses to the cloud to ensure
        continuous availability, concurrency, and effective utilisation.
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