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Reimagine | Reinvent | Grow

        The technology group also took the leading role in promoting   TCE presented four technical papers in the 35th
        innovation culture in the organisation. The new initiatives   edition of the Indian Engineering Congress, a
        of creating an innovation framework and promoting value
        engineering practice in projects are aimed to bring a difference   virtual event based on the theme “Engineering
        in service to the customer. These initiatives were integrated with  for Self-Reliance and Sustainable Goals”. The
        the business plans of the Business Units (BU’s).      paper titled “Green Hydrogen- A perspective” was
        The significant contributions from technology group in the   adjudged as the best paper in the environmental
        journey of reimagining, reinventing, and growth are:  engineering division.
                                                              To further enhance the connection with current and future
        TCE BRANDING                                          customers, videos on trending technologies, biodiversity studies
                                                              and complex and critical project solutions were created and
        Publications and conference presentations reflect the depth   uploaded on the company YouTube channel.
        of knowledge and rich experience of the organisation. The
        technology group and subject matter experts authored and
        facilitated such branding work at the national and international   KNOWLEDGE SHARING VIA DIGITAL WAY
        level, TCE’s insight on technology trends, showcasing unique
        designs, and various services. TCE co-hosted a webinar on   Knowledge sharing is fundamental to the collective knowledge,
        energy transition with TERI where initiatives on collaboration for   intelligence and abilities of an organisation. Virtual platforms
        strategies to mitigate climate change were discussed.   served as essential means of knowledge dissemination under
                                                              the Work from Home (WfH) scenario. Technology lecture series
        TCE is actively involved in the development of design standards   introduced under the Qlik2Learn initiative addressed technical
        and is associated with the BIS committee. Fifty-two subject   training needs on state of the art engineering and technology
        matter experts from TCE currently represent various BIS   to a broad audience across the organisation. Through 34
        committees for revising existing codes/developing new codes.   lecture sessions, domain experts expounded on a wide range
        22 new members are awaiting confirmation. TCE is collaborating  of trending and exciting topics, followed by lively Q&A sessions.
        with renowned institutions like IIT-Bombay and IISc Bangalore to  These lectures were recorded and available anytime, providing
        research and develop new and emerging technology areas for   training on demand to the internal users. Such initiatives
        future commercialisation.                             have helped  TCE maintain and enhance service offerings to
        Institution of Engineers organises a flagship event every year,   customers during the WFH scenario.
        providing a broad technology platform.

                                 Whitepapers                               Publishing of Technical Articles

             Members of Statutory                                                    Publication of papers
             Bodies                                 BRANDING

                   Presentation in Seminars                                 Academic Institutes

                                            TCE Branding initiatives by Technology Group
   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78