Page 90 - Non_Financial_Annual_Report_2021 (10th June).indd
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                                                                                            22  Annual Report 2020-21

        COVID-19 to ensure adequate intake of essential nutrients
        to increase immunity that the villagers and health workers
        attended. Nutrient kit containing Turdal-2kg, Oil 1 kg, Salt -1kg
        and Turmeric- 100gm was distributed to 208 families in these
        To enhance the competencies and build the capacity of
        Community Health workers, detailed sessions on preventive
        measure for the COVID-19 Pandemic were conducted in

        A community awareness session on Food Security and Public
        Distribution System was conducted in December to educate
        the Health workers about the eligibility criteria, types of cards,
        functioning of the PDS, obtain a new ration card and other
        relevant forms.
        In January 2021, Health workers training conducted on Self Help
        Groups (SHGs), 6 health workers and 28 villagers attended.
        As the COVID-19 Pandemic persists, governments face the
        challenge of promoting preventive behaviours. Simultaneously,
        they must ensure that enough individuals choose to get
        themselves vaccinated to achieve herd immunity.

        As the nation embarked on another mass vaccination
        campaign, it was pertinent to raise awareness through
        campaigns & community awareness sessions.
        In February Community Awareness Program addressing queries
        on COVID-19 & the potential benefits of the vaccine was held.
        The program benefitted Community health workers as well as
        32 villagers in Malghar & Dapti villages.
        More than 160 villagers were screened for various eye-related
        disorders during a free eye camp organised in 2 of the villages
        in Jawhar block in the month of February 2021. The camp aimed
        at providing free treatment to the villagers suffering from eye-
        related disorders also brought awareness about diseases that
        lead to vision loss.

        A team of eye specialists examined around 160 people, along
        with free consultation, free medicines and eye drops were
        distributed to patients. Of the people screened, a total of 12
        people was referred for surgery to correct cataracts, and free
        spectacles were provided to 57 patients.

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