Page 66 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
P. 66



          OF BOILERS IN





              n accident occurred in an operating tower type   Boiler explosion at Groover shoe factory in Brockton,
              boiler of 210 MW unit of a thermal power station   Boston, the USA in 1905 which killed 58 people and
        Aon 7th May 2020. This unit has been in operation     injured over 150 people triggered formulation of US
        for a long time.  Some of the technicians and workers   national boiler code/ standard (by ASME) governing the
        present nearby reported to have got injured, and few   safe design, construction, operation and maintenance
        sustained serious injuries. However, the investigation is   of boilers.
        yet to be completed.
                                                              Today, most of the national/international standards
        A similar accident occurred in a 500 MW unit boiler in   are primarily based on ASME boiler standards. A boiler
        November 2017 during its trial operation and causing   explosion in Kolkata in 1863, triggered the Boiler
        serious injuries and few casualties to people near    regulation by British India, subsequently ‘Indian Boiler
        the furnace. Both these incidents occurring on high-  Act 1923’1.
        pressure boilers in a span of three years is a matter
        of concern. One boiler was newly commissioned         As per National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA),
        while the other one was in operation for a long time.   boiler explosions in the US are caused by the operator
        In this perspective, an attempt is made to bring out   error (47%), insufficient purge (39%), control failure
        the possible causes that lead to boiler accidents and   (11%) and equipment failure (3%)1.
        measures that can be taken to mitigate the same and
        ensures safe boiler operation.                        Causes of Boiler Accidents:

        Boiler Explosions:                                    Boiler accidents typically occur due to shortcomings in
                                                              either design, control, operation or maintenance.
        A boiler explosion is a catastrophic failure. It carries dirt,
        debris and higher temperature gases in all directions at   In earlier days, poor design, workmanship and low
        high speeds. It causes severe damage to everything in   quality used to be the reasons for boiler accidents.
        the vicinity. The explosive potential is always present,   The technological advancements in materials and
        primarily if regular maintenance and repair are not   automation, coupled with better safety standards,
        performed. During an explosion, the sequence of       have improved the modern boilers’ inherent safety and
        events occurs very fast, leaving almost no time to act.   brought down the design-related accidents.
        Hence, prevention against these failures has always
        been of prime importance.                             1 Compliance of Boiler Standards and Industrial safety in Indian Subcontinent -2018, by
                                                              Akshoy Ranjan Pau.

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