Page 71 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
P. 71

Iodine-131 is used for thyroid, Iridium-192 for head   There are three primary ways of creating
        & breast, iodine-125 or palladium-103 for prostrate.   Mo99
        Localised targeting of tumours by this procedure
        effectively destroys cancerous cells, and overall
        radiation to the body is reduced. Targeted Alpha
        Therapy (TAT) using bismuth-213 & lead-212 are newer       Fission of uranium-235 (U-235) using HEU (Highly
        treatments for leukaemia, cystic glioma, & melanoma      Enriched Uranium) targets and newer method LEU
        and treat pancreatic, ovarian, and melanoma cancers.     (Low Enriched Uranium) targets

        Boron-10 or gadolinium-157 are concentrated in            Neutron capture of molybdenum-98 (Mo-98)
        malignant brain tumours, and the patient is irradiated
        with neutrons and protons. The Boron absorbs these                                             N
        particles and produces high energy alpha which kills
        the cancerous cells. This experimental development
        technique Neutron Capture Enhanced Particle Therapy
        (NCEPT) requires the terminally ill patient to be
        irradiated in a reactor facility.
                                                                        235 U                        98 Mo

        Co-60 source provides Gamma rays for cheap and
        effective sterilisation of disposable syringes, surgical
        instruments, surgical gloves, solutions, ointments,
        powders and biological preparations for heart valves,           236 U                        99 Mo
        skin, tissue graft, bone, nerve. It is also used for
        bandages, plastic and rubber sheets, cotton wool, and     N                 99 Mo
        burn dressings. Blood for transfusions kits is sterilised
        using Cs-137. Sterilisation provided by radiation has                    N
        indefinite shelf life until it is exposed to air and can   Other
        perform on fully packed items.                              FPs                              99 Mo

        Production of Radioisotopes

        The Radioisotopes, as mentioned above, are all            Using ACCELERATOR
        produced in Nuclear Reactors or Cyclotrons/
        Accelerators. The most in-demand Isotope is Mo99 from
        which Tc99 is obtained. This is because as mentioned   1.  Photo-fission reaction: 238U(γ,fission)99Mo
        above used in over 85% of Nuclear procedures as
        shown below                                           2.  Photonuclear reaction: 100Mo(γ,n)99Mo

         Brain Imaging                       Liver Imaging    3.  Photo-neutrons generated from the e- beam for
         99m Tc-ECD                          99m Tc-Phytate
         99m Tc-TRODAT                       99m Tc-Sulphur      fission LEU in solution
                                             99m Tc-Mebrofenin  4.  D-T neutron generators to fission LEU in solution:
         Cardiac Imaging
         99m Tc-MIBI                         Sentinel Lymph      235U(n, fission)99Mo
         99m Tc-Tetrofosmin                  Node Detection
         Sn-Pyrophosphate                    99m Tc-HSA       5.  Spallation neutron source production (ADS):
                                             Tumor Imaging
         Kidney Imaging
         99m Tc-GHA                          99m Tc(V)-DMSA   6.  Direct Tc-99m production by cyclotron:
         99m Tc(III)-DMSA                    99m Tc-HYNICTOC
         99m Tc-DTPA &                        Bone Imaging       100Mo(p,2n)99mTc
         99m Tc-EC                            99m Tc-MDP
                                                              The fission method is used in 95% and 98% of Mo-99
        Source:  production currently.

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