Page 74 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
P. 74

History and Radioisotope production in

        Dr Homi Jehangir Bhabha regarded as “Father of Indian
        Nuclear Program” spearheaded and established India’s
        ambitious atomic energy program. In 1956, APSARA,            Therapeutic                 99m Tc
        the first research reactor in India became critical.     Radiopharmaceuticals     Radiopharmaceuticals

        The second reactor, CIRUS, became operational in 1960.     Cold Kits for   99m Tc     Radioisotope
        Indigenous production of radionuclides (131I, 32P, 51Cr)   Radiopharmaceuticals       Generators
        for medical applications were initiated in these reactors.
        The Isotope Division of Bhabha Atomic Research                  PET                 Custom Labelling
        Centre since 1967 began the Commercial and supply of     Radiopharmaceuticals    & Contract Manufacturing
        radioisotopes, radiopharmaceuticals to the hospitals in
                                                                            In-vitro Diagnostic Kits
        The Board of Radiation and Isotope Technology (BRIT)
        was set up as an Industrial Unit of Department of
        Atomic Energy (DAE), commencing the commercial        Source:
        production on March 01, 1989.                         Publications/RPH_exhibit.pdf

        BRIT products include Radiopharmaceuticals,           The figure provides an overview of the
        Sealed Radiation Sources, Labelled Compound           Radiopharmaceuticals produced at BRIT.
        and Nucleotides, Gamma Chambers, Radiography
        Exposure Devices and Blood Irradiators. BRIT provides   PET radiopharmaceuticals like below are produced and
        the following services - Isotope Application services,   shipped to hospitals having PET camera in Mumbai and
        Radioanalytical services, Calibration and Dosimetry   nearby areas.
        services and Radiation Processing Services besides
        Project Consultancy services for setting up Radiation
        Processing Plants in the private sector.                  [18F]-FDG- Fluoro-deoxy-glucose injection used
                                                                 for Oncology, neurology, infection and cardiology,
                                                                 [18F]-FLT Fluoro-thymidine injection used for
                                                                 Oncologic applications

         Reactors at                    Sterilisation of          [18F]-NaF Sodium fluoride injection used for Bone
         BARC                           Medical Products

                                                                  [18F]-FET Fluoro-ethyl tyrosine injection used for
             Generator                       SPECT Products      Brain gliomas
                                                                   [18F]-FMISO Fluoro-misonidazole injection used for
         PET Products                                            Hypoxia imaging
                                         Medical Cyclotron
                                                              BRIT also provides 3 types of 99Mo-99mTc generator for
                                                              extraction / elution of 99mTc from radioactive parent
         Clean Room Facility                RIA & IRMA

                                                                  TCM 1   99Mo-99mTc   COLTECH generator
        Brachytherapy                    Bhabhatron              Alumina column generator

                                                                  TCG   99Mo-99mTc   GELTECH generator
                                                                 Zirconium molybdate gel generator
        Publications/RPH_exhibit.pdf                              TCM 2   99Mo as sodium molybdate radiochemical
                                                                 Solvent Extraction Generator

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