Page 76 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
P. 76



          ndia is the second-largest producer of cement in         INDUSTRY
          the world. India’s cement industry is a vital part of
       Iits economy, employing more than a million people,
        directly or indirectly. Ever since it was deregulated      Building The Nation
        in 1982, the Indian cement industry has attracted
        huge investments, both from Indian as well as foreign

        Indian advantage for Cement Industry

                Robust                   Long Term                  Attractive                Increasing
               Demand                    Potential               Opportunities               Investments

          •   Government’s           •   Low per                •   Attractive             •   National
              Initiative to build        capita cement              opportunities in          Infrastructure
          •   100 Smart Cities,          consumption                dedicated freight         Pipeline (NIP)
              AMRUT mission              as compared to             corridors, ports,         introduced
              and Swachh Bharat          other developing           highways, housing         projects for next
              Abhiyan.                   nations.                   etc.                      five years
          •   Pradhan Mantri         •   Low threat from                                   •   Increasing FDI
              Awas Yojana -              other substitutes.                                   inflow in industries
              Housing of all by                                                               related to
              2022.                                                                           Manufacturing of

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