Page 20 - TCE Annual Report 2019-2020
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21  Annual Report 2019-20

          Management                                          Strategy and Operations
          The greatest asset of TCE are its employees, the highly   COVID19 has impacted both CAPEX and OPEX spends
          skilled workforce of engineers coming from diverse   by our clients. However, with a well-diversified
          backgrounds. In today’s competitive environment     sectoral, regional and client spread, TCE will be able
          attracting and retaining talent is the key to success. In   to sail through these unprecedented and ambiguous
          FY 2019-20, we recruited 173 fresh graduate engineers  times. After a record FY 2019-20 year where TCE
          from leading engineering institutes across India, and   achieved highest revenues and profits, the company
          78 new diploma holders. We put the recruits through   has taken prudent measures to ensure it can sail
          our rigorous flagship induction programme, the      through FY 2020-21 amidst challenging market
          Young Engineers Development Programme (YEDP)        conditions.
          before they began work.
                                                              We were able to switch to “Work from Home” within
          With the ever-changing technologies, the need to re-  weeks of the lockdown announced in mid-March
          skill and re-bound is a necessity. We forged strategic   2020. A detailed impact analysis was conducted early
          tie-ups for upskilling our engineers and also design   in the year with various scenario-based financial
          in-house technical workshops. More than 19000+      modelling, precise actions, responses and goals.
          programmes were made available to our employees
          with an average 20+ person-days training per        Following COVID19 specific measures were taken
          employee. We have also seen an encouraging increase   with effect from the beginning of FY 2020-21, and we
          in employee retention and employment longevity,     believe that these will ensure TCE remains profitable
          increase in employee satisfaction scores, and we hope   and sustainable in the coming year as well.
          to leverage these positive trends as we look ahead
          and beyond the post-COVID times.

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