Page 25 - TCE Annual Report 2019-2020
P. 25

Delivering Aspirations | Achieving Scale

          Corporate Governance Philosophy                                     Number of Directors   Total
          Effective Corporate Governance practices constitute    Date of Board   present at the Board   Number of   Attendance
          the firm foundation on which successful commercial                      Meeting     Directors
          enterprises are built. TCE’s philosophy on Corporate   May 13, 2019       4           4        100
          Governance oversees the business strategies. It
          ensures fiscal accountability, ethical Corporate    May 24, 2019          3           4         75
          Governance  and fairness to all stakeholders and
          the society at large. Strong leadership and effective
          Corporate Governance practices inherited from the   September 13, 2019    4           4        100
          Tata culture and ethos have been our hallmark.
                                                              November 21, 2019     4           4        100
          TCE has a strong legacy of fair, transparent and ethical
          governance practices and has adopted the Tata  Code
          of Conduct for its employees including the Managing   January 22, 2020    4           4        100
          Director and non-executive directors.

          As per the Section 149 of the Companies Act 2013, TCE
          doesn’t fall under the requirement of appointing an   The necessary quorum was present for all TCE
          Independent Director on Board or the Committees like  meetings.
          Audit & Risk Management Committee and Nomination     i  All necessary disclosures regarding Committee
          & Remuneration Committee. Hence the Code of             positions in other public companies as on March
          Conduct for Independent Directors is not applicable     31, 2020 have been made by the Directors and
          to us. However, the company follows the Tata Board      none of them are related to each other.
          and Committee/s Governance Charter 2015 and the
          Committees i.e. Audit & Risk Management Committee,   ii  The names and categories of the Directors on
          Nomination and Remuneration Committee, Corporate        TCE Board, their attendance at Board Meetings
          Social Responsibility Committee, are functional in TCE   held during the year under review and at the last
          as a practise of good Corporate Governance. The Tata    Annual General Meeting (“AGM”), names of other
          Business Excellence Model further strengthens our       listed entities/public companies in which they are
          Corporate Governance philosophy.                        a director and the number of Directorships and
                                                                  Committee Chairmanships/Memberships held
                                                                  by them in other public limited companies as on
          Board of Directors                                      March 31, 2020 are given herein below.
          As on March 31, 2020, TCE has four Directors. Of the 4
          Directors, 3 (i.e. 75%) are Non-Executive Directors. The      Other directorships do not include directorships
          profiles of the Directors can be found on our website   of private limited companies, foreign companies
          ( The Composition of the Board is in     and companies registered under Section 8 of the
          conformity with Section 149 of the Act. None of the     Act. Further, none of them are members of more
          Directors on the Board hold directorship in more than   than ten committees or chairperson of more than
          ten public companies.                                   five committees across all the public companies in
                                                                  which he/she is a Director.
          5 Board Meetings were held during the year and
          the gap between two meetings did not exceed one      iii  The TCE Board periodically reviews the
          hundred and twenty days. The dates on which the said    compliance reports of all laws applicable to the
          meetings were held are:                                 company.

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