Page 28 - TCE Annual Report 2019-2020
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21  Annual Report 2019-20

          General Body Meetings                               on consolidated basis is given in the Statutory Section
          i.  General Meeting                                 of the Annual Report.
             a.  Annual General Meeting (AGM)                 Other Disclosures:

                                                              1.  Related Party Transactions: Defined under the
             Year      Date      Time          Venue             Act
                                                                 There are no material Related Party Transactions
                                        Tata Sons Limited.
                                        Conference Room No 2,    during the year that have conflict with the interest
          2016 - 17            11:00 AM   4th Floor, Bombay House,
                    July 21, 2017                                of TCE. Transactions entered into with related
                                        24 Homi Mody Street, Fort,
                                       Mumbai 400001             parties during the financial year were in the
                                                                 ordinary course of business at an arm’s length
                                         Tata Sons Limited. Meeting
                     Monday,            Room No 67, 6th Floor, Dr  basis and were approved by the Audit Committee.
          2017 - 18             3:30 PM
                    July 2, 2018         Dadabhai Naoroji Road,  The Board’s approved policy for related party
                                       Fort, Mumbai 400001
                                                                 transactions is uploaded on the website of the
                                        Tata Sons Limited. Meeting
                                        Room No 301, 3rd Floor,  company.
          2018 - 19            11:30 AM   Bombay House, 24 Homi
                    July 8, 2019
                                        Mody Street, Fort, Mumbai
                                       400001                 2.  Whistle Blower Policy and Vigil Mechanism: As
                                                                 per the Act
             b.  Extraordinary General Meeting: No               The company has a Whistle Blower Policy and has
                 Extraordinary General Meeting of the            established the necessary Vigil Mechanisms for
                 members was held during FY 2019-20.             directors and employees to report concerns about
                                                                 unethical behaviour. No person has been denied
             c.  Special Resolution(s) for FY 2018-19: NA
                                                                 access to the Chairman of the Audit Committee.
          A certificate has been received from M/s Robert Pavrey   The said policy has been uploaded on the website
          & Associates Practicing Company Secretaries, that      of the company.
          none of the Directors on the Board of the Company
          have been debarred or disqualified from being       3.  Disclosure under the Sexual Harassment of
          appointed or continuing as directors of companies      Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition
          by Ministry of Corporate Affairs or any such statutory   and Redressal) Act, 2018: As per the Act
          authority and Compliance of the relevant laws under
          the Companies Act 2013.                                The details have been disclosed in the Board’s
                                                                 Report forming part of the Statutory section of
          M/s B S R & Co. LLP Chartered Accountants (Firm        Annual Report.
          Registration No. 101248W/W-100022) have been        All policies are available on
          appointed as the Statutory Auditors of the Company.   ethics-and-compliance/
          The particulars of payment of Statutory Auditor’s fees,

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