Page 29 - TCE Annual Report 2019-2020
P. 29

Delivering Aspirations | Achieving Scale

         Risk Management Overview

          In the rapidly changing business environment, the company is exposed to a number

          of risks that could impact its businesses adversely. It is imperative to identify, analyse
          and address such risks and at the same time leverage opportunities for achieving

          our objectives. TCE has adopted the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) process that
          recognises and seeks to address the key risks across bid stage and execution stage for

          projects, while also evaluating strategic, financial, operational, legal and reputational
          risks amongst others at Business Unit (BU) & TCE level.

          The risk management process and its elements        Risk Management Organisation: The Risk Function at
          continue to evolve and are enhanced further based   Central level is primarily driven by Chief Risk Officer
          on stakeholder feedback/inputs with a view to       with guidance from the MD and the Board. Business
          supporting organisation strategy requirements. The   Unit level Risk Officers (BUROs) assist the Corporate
          ERM process is designed to address key risks across   Risk Team in deploying Risk Frameworks with an aim
          bid stage and execution stage for projects, while also   to embed risk process in the day to day business
          evaluating strategic, financial, operational, legal and   activities.
          reputational risks amongst others at Business Units,
          Corporate Functions & TCE level.

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