Page 31 - TCE Annual Report 2019-2020
P. 31

Delivering Aspirations | Achieving Scale

           Risk Category            Key Risk Areas                   Mitigation Strategies       Areas Impacted

          Human        •  People are our company’s most important   •  Developing specific learning and re-  •  Reduction in
          Resources      resource; hence our business success is   skilling programs.           revenue and
                         dependent on the ability to hire, retain, and                          profits
                         utilise qualified personnel in a profitable   •  Better and flexible manpower
                         manner.                                planning practices            •  Quality of
                       •  During times of reduced business, the   •  Enhancing employee engagement   affected
                         challenge would be effectively training   practices
                         resources in required skill sets and utilise the   •  Build a relationship with outsourcing   •  Negative impact
                         available workforce profitably.        agencies for access to resources   on the Brand value
                                                                with specific skill sets and/or those
                                                                required urgently.
          Liabilities  •  Our project execution activities may result in   •  Adequate professional liability   •  Unexpected and
                         liability as per Contract conditions.  insurance at the organisation and   huge costs
                                                                project level
                       •  We could be exposed to significant monetary                         •  Negative impact
                         damages, claims or reputation risks due to   •  Proper due diligence at bid time to   on profitability
                         deficiencies in service, any catastrophic event   avoid taking up of large liabilities,
                         at our project sites, etc.             adhering to contract requirements   •  Negative impact
                                                                and professional best practices to   on reputation and
                                                                avoid imposition of penalties or   brand value
          Intellectual   •  Although we protect our intellectual   •  Strengthen process, contracts &   •  Unexpected and
          Property (IP)  property through contractual arrangements,   other mechanisms to safeguard our   huge costs
                         registration, licensing, NDAs, etc., we may not   IP, confidential information & trade   •  Consumption
                         be able to completely prevent infringement of   secrets.               of a significant
                         our IPs.
                                                              •  Provide training to employees on   amount of senior
                       •  Our employees could inadvertently or   the importance of respecting IPs   management’s
                         purposely cause an infringement of the client’s   of our company and those of other   attention and time.
                         or third party’s IP rights.            stakeholders, and the high price that
                                                                we might become liable to pay in case   •  Negative impact
                       •  Litigation to determine the scope of IP rights,   of IP infringements.  on reputation and
                         even if ultimately successful, could prove to be                       brand value
          Loss of      •  Processes are being followed to properly   •  Training and sensitisation of   •  Unexpected and
          confidential   identify confidential information of the   employees about the importance of   huge costs
          information /   company and other stakeholders and prevent   maintaining confidential information.
          Data violation   leakage. However, there remains a risk of loss                     •  Loss of business.
          / breach /     of confidential information either by oversight   •  Obtaining specific NDAs /   •  Negative impact
                         or on purpose.                         Confidentiality agreements from   on reputation and
                       •  The chances of a data breach are increased in a                       brand value
                         Work From Home scenario.             •  Tightening of IT security measures.
          JV /         •  We perform certain contracts as a member   •  Proper due diligence of JV partner   •  Impact on
          Partnerships   of joint ventures, partnerships, and similar   during pre-bid/bid stage, esp. on   quantity and
                         arrangements. There is a risk that our partners   financial ability, experience and track   quality of project
                         may be unable to fulfil their contractual   record                     deliverables.
                         obligations to us or our clients.
                                                              •  Strong back-to-back contractual   •  Loss of revenue
                       •  We would have limited ability to control   arrangement to pass on liabilities and   and profit.
                         actions of our JV partners, including non-  penalties to JV commensurate with
                         performance, default, bankruptcy or legal   their share in the partnership  •  Loss of reputation.
                         compliance.                                                          •  Legal costs and
                                                                                                waste of time.

          International   •  Our international operations are exposed to   •  Proper due diligence during bid   •  Loss of business
          Operations     additional risks and uncertainties, including   time in terms of country or location
                         unfavourable political developments and weak   risk. Avoid excessively risky, unsafe,   •  Safety and security
                         foreign economies. E.g. unexpected changes   economically unstable or weak   risk of personnel.
                         in foreign government policies and regulatory   countries or geographies.  •  Impact on revenue
                         requirements, Potential non-compliance with                            and profits.
                         regulations and evolving industry standards,   •  Have systems and processes to ensure
                         Renegotiation or nullification of our existing   compliance to all key regulatory,   •  Impact on
                         contracts, Social, political, and economic   govt and contractual compliances,   strategic targets
                         instability; Currency fluctuations, etc.  standards, laws, etc.        for improving our
                                                                                                global footprint.
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