Page 30 - TCE Annual Report 2019-2020
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21  Annual Report 2019-20
              Key Risks and How we Mitigate Them

           Risk Category             Key Risk Areas                   Mitigation Strategies      Areas Impacted
          Economic Risk  •  Demand for our services is mainly CAPEX   •  TCE has multiple Business Units (BU)   •  Ability to
                         based. Sectors in which our clients operate   across sectors, making it immune to a   generate new
                         may get impacted by economic downturns,   downturn in any single sector.  business,
                         reductions in government or private spending,                           generate revenue
                         political and economic uncertainty, etc.  •  Diversify business across sub-sectors,   out of existing
                                                                 geographies, opex vs CAPEX, etc.   business as
                       •  Uncertain global economic and political                                well as make
                         conditions on account of the pandemic may   •  Proper due diligence of clients,   collections for
                         negatively impact the ability and willingness of   projects to ensure at bid time that   current and past
                         our clients to announce or fund projects, pay   viability, funding tie up etc. are in   dues
                         our invoices in time.                   place.

          Business     •  There is a good deal of uncertainty in getting   •  Identify new sectors / areas /   •  Reduced
          Acquisition &   new business as forecasted. Acquisition   adjacencies of growth        revenues and
          revenue flow   depends on several factors external to TCE   •  Develop new key accounts & enter   profits
                         like economic trends, risks like a pandemic,   new areas through partnerships, etc.  •  Employee morale
                         government policy, market conditions, etc.                              affected
                       •  Delays or reduction in new orders affects the   •  Build customer connect & deepen
                         targeted revenues.                      the relationship, especially for key
                       •  Revenue generation could also be negatively
                         impacted due to internal issues like lack of   •  Ensure rigorous project risk
                         matching skill sets to requirements, inadequate   management.
                         planning, etc.

          Locked       •  Many of our contracts have milestone-based   •  Follow-up to get the collection in line   •  Impact on
          Working        payment terms, due to which, we may incur   with the contract terms     working capital.
          Capital and    significant costs before we can raise bill and   •  Enhanced focus on contract & claims   •  Higher cost of
          Cashflow       subsequently receive payment.
                                                                 management through review rigour   financing the
                       •  Cash flows from projects can fluctuate   at various levels to ensure project   project.
                         significantly over the execution period   delivery with profitability
                         depending on the timing of the contract,
                         financing contingencies, delays, etc.  •  Due diligence and factoring in locked
                                                                 capital or cash flow impact into our
                       •  Due to the current pandemic, our clients could   bid pricing.
                         be severely stressed in terms of funding ability
                         and liquidity which may negatively impact   •  Where possible, negotiating for
                         our cash flows from past, existing and future   favourable payment terms and
                         projects                                granular milestones

          Concentration   •  If one or few clients have a substantially large   •  Conscious efforts at dependence or   •  Inability
          Risk           share of revenue of a business unit, the loss of   concentration on any single client or   to achieve
                         or a significant reduction in business from such   sector.              acquisition and
                         client(s) will have a negative impact on the                            revenue targets
                         revenues.                             •  Develop newer key or large accounts  •  Impact on profits
                       •  Despite good relationships and performance   •  Strengthen business relationships
                         by TCE, such client(s) may sometimes be forced   with clients at all levels
                         to reduce, delay or cancel their contracts due
                         to changed business scenario or changes in

          Cost Overrun  •  Costs may increase in projects beyond   •  Ensuring the study of secondary data   •  Lower
                         budgeted estimates due to various reasons like:  to identify issues/risks that emerge   profitability
                                                                 during project execution, quantify the
                         •  Higher quantum of resources required                               •  Disputes with
                                                                 same and factor into the prices.
                         •  Schedule delays                    •  Follow project and contract    client
                         •  Scope creep                          management best practices to avoid
                                                                 delays and cost overruns.
                         •  Resources being unoccupied while being
                            deployed on the project
                         •  Higher actual cost of outsourced work

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