Page 33 - TCE Annual Report 2019-2020
P. 33

Delivering Aspirations | Achieving Scale


                                             •  Total Revenue of 882 Cr, highest in history; New order acquisition high at
                                              990 Cr; EBITDA and PAT best ever.
                                             •  42% business from international markets
                                             •  27% of new business from opex services
                                             •  Consortium-based approach established : TCE a leader in Smartcities and
                                              water projects
                                             •  TCE bagged the Agra Metro Project, a first for TCE

                                             •  20% of business orders through cross selling and offering integrated solutions
                                             •  44% sales revenues from key/strategic accounts
                                             •  Customer feedback index at 72%

                                             •  Processes were strengthened through several automation applications for
                                              technology (knowledge management), people process, sales & operations,
                                              streamlined deliveries and improved sales process along with long-term
                                              relationships with customers

                                             •  Focus was on reskilling and training. All-round training was at 20 person-days
                                              per employee & technology training was at 3 person-days per employee.
                                              Attrition of key talent was curtailed at 3%. 173 young engineers were hired
                                              from campus and made industry ready through the YEDP
                                             •  Safety was a key focus on site and in offices. Safety index was at 4.01 at sites

                                           Responsible Member of Society
                                             •  Infrastructure solutions for making tribal villages water positive was successful
                                              in the model village.
                                             •  Total CSR spends were at Rs. 219 lakhs
                                             •  Corporate volunteering clocked 11,532 hours
                                             •  143 volunteering programs were organised
                                             •  Special Tata Units were designed to help country fight COVID19

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