Page 32 - TCE Annual Report 2019-2020
P. 32

21  Annual Report 2019-20

         Value Creation Model

         At TCE, delivering customer aspirations and helping them achieve scale is at the core
         of our strategy. Creating sustained value for all the stakeholders using our resources
         and relationships and taking actions aligned to our strategic focus areas helps us create
         sustainable long-term value.

                                                         Resources and


                                                                     •  Equity
                                                                     •  Debt

                                                                   Materials, Tools & Equipment
                                                                     •  Design suite
                                                                     •  Application licenses
                                        Strategic Focus              •  Hardware

                                        Areas                      Technology &   Management Insights

                                                                     •  Design engineering
                                                                     •  Project management
          Financial                                                  •  Consultancy
           •  Focus on profitability with working capital            •  OPEX optimisation
             optimisation                                            •  Knowledge management
           •  Acquire business in new sectors; 50: 50 international
             domestic mix of orders                                Employees
           •  Focus on large deals and work with consortiums and     •  For engineering solutions
                                                                     •  At project sites
                                                                     •  Shared services
           •  Offer cross business and integrated solutions across   Raw Material
             customer asset lifecycle
           •  Trusted advisor to marquee clients                   Suppliers and Vendors
           •  Customer engagement and customer satisfaction

          People and Learning

          Attract, Retain and Retrain Talent

           •  Strengthening processes for operational, technology
           •  Productivity improvement & cost optimisation

          Responsible Member of Society

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