Page 21 - TCE Annual Report 2019-2020
P. 21

Delivering Aspirations | Achieving Scale

          COVID19 Specific Measures                           •   Paperless digital project site and low-touch shop
          Revenue measures                                       floor SOP
          •   Enhanced revenue measures across the ecosystem   •  GMP/GMA certification for existing pharma /
             – sales, delivery and enabling functions as         medical device units
             champions. While we focus on the optimistic
             scenario we continue to keep a close watch on
             actual outcomes                                  Cost Measures
                                                              •  Optimise contract staff / farmed out work +
          •   Focus on the domestic market working closely       revised terms for contract staff that are required as
             with our existing customers and GOI projects –      a must (CV / PQ)
             especially infra, smart cities,  transportation. In the
             current times, we are also keeping a tab on the   •  Optimisation of all costs mainly travel and site
             possible China relocations (Korean/Japanese/US      guest house rentals and office space with Work-
             players)                                            From-Home (WFH) as a new normal

          •  Deepen relationships and connect with existing   •   Enhance collection efforts and explore
             international key customers (OPEX/DEC)              mechanisms to recover old debts

          •  Group customers/synergies                        •   Salary restructuring (keeping CTC constant –
                                                                 restructure fixed & variable)
          •  Leverage digital, process, asset digitisation and
             plant sustenance opportunities                   •  No employee reductions or any adverse measures,
                                                                 however no increments or promotions for FY
          •  Specific short-term sales strategies                2020-21
          •   International engineering outsourcing
                                                              •   Fresh Graduate – All offers to be honoured –
          •   Plant digital and IIOT                             joining deferred to Q4

          •   Project revival services
                                                              Future Readiness
          •   Plant sweating, extension, restart and expansions
                                                              COVID19 will redefine the economy and business in
          •   Project audits and reviews                      many ways. The New Normal bet will be more digital
                                                              and less physical, possibly in the short term more
          Adjacencies being targeted with Digital, Modular    OPEX focused and less significant CAPEX, and as a
          and Low-Touch economy principles as relevant to     silver lining more green, sustainable and circular then
          Architecture-Engineering & Construction sector      the pre-COVID19 times.
          •   Digital twin, asset digitisation, digital handover
                                                              In the physical realm as well, it will be standardised
          •   Mini-EPC  (~100 Cr) – modular units, skids,           and modular, to be more efficient, sustainable and
             pre-cast/pre-fab, mini-plants and warehouses
                                                              greener. As we enter Industry 5.0 era, which refines
          •   Explore new geographies especially in Europe    the collaborative interactions between humans and
                                                              machines we are working towards creating newer
          •   Enhanced 3D, 4D and 5D conversion and
             simulations                                      opportunities and changing the way we respond and
                                                              remain agile, lean and sustainable as an organisation.

          COVID Specific Focussed Actions                     Our strategic plans for the coming year factor in these
          •  CSR & emergency support for COVID specific       global trends and we are confident and well prepared
             quarantine and ICU wards working and in line     to embrace the new Normal.
             with group efforts.
          •  Hospitals, clean-rooms, air-lock spaces, isolation &
             containment facilities                           Sincerely yours,
                                                              Amit Sharma
          •  Import substitutions / localisation

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