Page 62 - TCE Annual Report 2019-2020
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21  Annual Report 2019-20

          Talent Management

         At TCE, we put people at the heart of our business and believe in the immense potential of
         our human capital. People and people practices have always been of paramount importance
         to us. The emphasis on people stems from the belief that our employees are the core growth

         engine for the Company.

          Connected, Equipped & Integrated are the key        Campus Programme
          elements in attracting, retaining and developing talent  As a part of the Young Engineers Development
          and a culture where people want to stay. At TCE, we   Program, we hired 173 Fresh Post-graduates and
          are committed to creating an inclusive, performance-  Graduate engineers. For our Accelerated Delivery
          oriented, and entrepreneurial culture that allows   Center (ADC), we hired 78 fresh diploma holders.
          bringing the best out of every individual and team.  The young engineers go through our rigorous and
                                                              coveted Young Engineers Development Programme
          We are also committed to creating an equal          (YEDP), a methodical benchmarked process for
          opportunity workplace, which promotes openness      training graduate/postgraduate hires through
          and diversity and focuses on attracting, motivating   our 12-month training programme. Keeping the
          and retaining the best talent. We have a strong     emerging industry landscape in mind and building
          employee value proposition that focuses on          future core competencies in line with the strategic
          providing challenging work, hiring and retaining    Vision 2025, the program has undergone a shift
          the right people, sustained focus on talent and     in pedagogy. Due focus on newer concepts like
          leadership development, differentiated rewards      Modularisation, Parameterisation, Digital Engineering,
          to drive exceptional performance and community      Opex, Urbanisation and Mega Cities, Clean & Green
                                                              Energy and Electrification of Everything, Additive
                                                              Manufacturing & Digital Asset Management ensure
          HR Systems                                          our employees remain up to date.
          The people systems at TCE like talent supply,
          performance management and talent development
          are robust and competitive. Our vital HR programs
          ensure that the organisation delivers the future and
          exceeds client expectation.
          During FY 2018-19, we engaged in upgrading,
          creating and launching several new processes and
          systems. This year we made significant improvements
          in areas of employee engagement, enhanced
          performance, competency development and training
          & development with specific initiatives to bring about
          a change in culture and mindset of the workforce.

          Given our build-from-within strategy and focus on
          core campus programs, we continued to attract
          top talent. We added special impetus to hiring and
          creating an infrastructure for a diverse workforce as
          well as retaining and developing women leaders.

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