Page 63 - TCE Annual Report 2019-2020
P. 63

Delivering Aspirations | Achieving Scale

          Recruitment                                         We roll out several communication campaigns and
          At TCE, we take pride in being an equal opportunity   e-learning training programs on TCOC, POSH, Gift
          employer. The design of our recruitment and appraisal   and Hospitality, Whistle Blower Policy, ABAC and AML
          processes ensure no discrimination or biases.       for all stakeholders, including third Party workforce
                                                              and Supplier/Partners. We actively engage the
          Our policies on leadership pipeline, talent planning,   leadership team for delivering TCoC/POSH related
          mentoring and career development continue to        communication at various communication forums
          ensure that the company attracts and retains the best   such as Offsites and COCs.
                                                              We actively share the learnings and concerns raised
          The New hires pass through a thorough onboarding    through the year at various employee connects like
          process ‘In-Touch’ which ensures that the new       Town Halls and Quarterly DC Communications to
          members become early contributors in their roles and   reinforce acceptable behaviour. LBE Survey on Ethics
          feel valued. Building organisation capability, Value   conducted in July every year also helps measure
          Additions to customers, bringing in new and fresh   the effectiveness of the LBE framework. We engage
          perspective through innovation, agility to explore new   external subject matter experts to train our ethics
          technologies or solutions continue to be key focus   counsellors and POSH IC members.
          areas for us.

                                                              Performance Management
          Training, Learning and Reskilling                   We have a robust performance management system
          In addition to YEDP,  19000+ courses are available   which assesses and differentiates employees based
          to our employees. In FY 2019-20, we achieved 20.32   on performance and help them perform to their
          person-days of training per employee.
                                                              maximum potential. We also have an established Team
          This year we launched our very own Technical        Lead structure that ensures the right performance
          Competency and Structured Career Framework. These   support to each employee. The team leads themselves
          frameworks help promote continuous development      undergo various capability building programs to
          by aligning employee career aspirations with        become better people managers. Our robust talent
          organisational goals. The Technical Competency      management process to build world-class leaders is
          framework, integrated with the performance          supported by an intense Learning & Development
          management process helps provide constructive       program, leveraging internal and external experts.
          developmental feedback.                             To be in the know of employee sentiments, we

                                                              conduct periodic third-party facilitated surveys. These
          Code of Conduct                                     surveys help us understand the pulse of employee
          Imbibing TCoC among new and existing employees      opinion to help us create a more meaningful employee
          is a particular focus area. To strengthen this further   experience. This year 99% of employees participated
          and enhance awareness on the Tata Code of Conduct   in the study, and the Employee Engagement Index
          (TCoC) and Leadership in Business Ethics (LBE)      moved from 68% to 75%.
          framework, we celebrate “Ethics Week” every year in
          November and March.

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