Page 10 - TATA Consulting Engineers Limited | PMC
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                     3.   We have been able to develop better             system also helps to update
                        working relations, effective communication        project schedule and overcome
               Project Management Consultancy
                        channels and good trust on each other with        the site construction constants. We
                        the contractor representatives, especially        have improved the quality as well
                        in key packages of Boiler, Turbine, Water         as reduced the data books review
                        Treatment BOP & FGD. By working as one            time, only because of our engineer’s
                        team we were able to solve very long              minute observation skills and good
                        pending project issues.                           technical knowledge.

                     4.   We simplified the engineering document       9.   Proper manpower management in each
                        review process which saved time and               department increases the proper utilisation
                        drastically reduced the back logs. This           of man hours and their efficiency which
                        simplified process helps to achieve the           directly reduced the project cost.
                        project milestone dates and reduced the
                        project cost.                                  10.  After deployment of our TCE construction,
                                                                          project management, QA/QC and welding
                     5.   Our TCE experienced engineers are working       engineers Kusile witnessed the first time
                        with local engineers and helping them             milestone achievement for boiler Unit
                        to increase their competency level and            1 to 6. Kusile successfully achieved the
                        technical knowledge. TCE’s association in         Unit 1 chemical cleaning, first fire and
                        the project helped develop local talent and       commercial operation, Unit 2 hydro test,
                        knowledge transfer for similar projects in        chemical cleaning, first fire and Unit 3 & 4
                        the future.                                       hydro test.

                     6.   Construction knowledge and expertise         The project provides direct employment to
                        of build in Mundra Project (in India) has      almost 18,500 people and also generates 4,000
                        helped in bridging knowledge gaps by           indirect employment and entrepreneurial
                        the current execution partner in terms         opportunities in the region. With an integrated
                        of logic and sequence of execution and         approach of using technology insights,
                        more evidently pushing the works to be         providing environmental solutions are making
                        completed when there seemed no hope.           use of project management expertise.

                     7.   As per our experience and advice,
                        contractors have categorised all the
                        open NCRs as “Accept as it is”, “Repair”,
                        “Rework”, “Replace”, “Testing” and “Related
                        to project schedule”. This has also helped
                        the closure of NCRs and reduced backlogs.
                        Categorising the NCR/NOD and data book
                        comments gave good results for achieving
                        the milestones.

                     8.   TCE experienced engineers have
                        established the engineering data books
                        tracking management system for Boiler
                        Unit 1 to 6 in Kusile for the first time.
                        This engineering data books management

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