Page 11 - TATA Consulting Engineers Limited | PMC
P. 11
11 Project Management Consultancy
140 large black suppliers 2,322 billion Rands
2,950 youths underwent engineering,
technician, artisan and semi-skilled training
programmes. Target of youth to be trained by
Value creation for the community the end of this project is 3,405.
With the commissioning of the project, there Continued up skilling of unskilled and semi-
is availability of power and easing of load skilled workers to approximately 10,000 local
shedding in the region. workforces. Task team re-establishment to
Kusile will directly grow South Africa’s ensure skills transfer between expatriates and
GDP by approximately 0.35% per year local workforce.
(~R14 billion). Increasing universal access to electricity by
Approximately 12,000 meals are provided connecting more than 2,00,000 households
weekly. to the grid.
A workforce of ± 13,000 people is transported Enabling growth in the region by supplying
by bus to site. more electricity to South Africa and its
HIV screening and counselling, chronic neighbouring countries facing harsh
disease management, primary health care and drought conditions. South Africa’s primary
emergency services are provided. electricity supplier generates approximately
Accommodation is provided to over 5,000 90% of the electricity used in South Africa,
employees. and approximately 40% of the electricity
10 black-youth-owned businesses, 263 million used on the African continent ensuring
Rands invested. reliable electricity supply through improved
171 black-woman-owned businesses, 3,009 generation asset performance.
billion Rands invested.
230 small black enterprises, 1,638 billion TCE’s timely execution helped bring the project
Rands invested. right on track to meet deliverables. Project site was
345 other businesses, 1,975 billion Rands built on the principles of zero tolerance to harm.
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