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P. 8
Project Management Consultancy
Case Study
Kusile Power Station
Kusile Power Station (formerly known as the in line with current international practice, so as
Bravo Power Station) in South Africa is a coal- to ensure compliance with air quality standards.
fired power plant under construction by state Total site area is 1355 hectares (3348 acres).
electricity utility Eskom. 155 billion Rands. Total cost to completion (CTC)
for Kusile power station will be 225 billion Rands.
It is expected that Kusile would consist of
six 800 MW coal-fired generating units for a TCE’s PMC BU provided the construction
total generating capacity of 4,800 MWs. Once supervision and quality management, project
completed, Kusile will be the fourth-largest management and final engineering data
coal-fired power station in the world. books certification and management services
for Kusile power project in South Africa to
Initially expected to take 6 years to complete, overcome the boiler quality issues which
now the project is expected to complete affected the overall project performance
before 2020. and to overcome the project delay. TCE was
consulted for quality interventions to ensure
The power station will be the first in South compliance as defined.
Africa and also on the African continent to
use Wet Flue-Gas Desulphurisation (WFGD) Challenges
technology. WFGD is the current state-of-the- 1. Communication gap between client and
art technology that is used to remove oxides contractors in the field of construction,
of sulphur (SOX), for example, sulphur dioxide project management and engineering
(S0 ), from the exhaust flue gas in power document review process.
plants that burn fossil fuels such as coal or gas.
Eskom is fitting WFGD at the Kusile plant as an 2. Number of different departments was
atmospheric emission abatement technology, working for the same project activity and
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