Page 6 - TATA Consulting Engineers Limited | PMC
P. 6
Project Management Consultancy
Case Study
World’s largest dry-cooled power station in South Africa
(capacity 6 x 800 MW)
TCE’s PMC BU the challenge of lack of local expertise and
TCE has been assigned by ESKOM to provide talent, power outage, labour unrest and
Field & Quality Management Services at capital flow issues.
Medupi power station project in South Africa After 7 years, construction of only one
to overcome the boiler technical challenges single unit was commissioned.
related to quality issues which hampered the
entire project progress. Medupi is a green Our approach
field coal fired power plant comprising of six We have been able to develop better
units with a gross nominal capacity of 800 MW working relations, effective communication
each, resulting in a total capacity of 4,800 MW. channels and good trust on each other with
The power station will be the fourth largest the contractor representatives, especially
coal plant in the southern hemisphere and in Boiler package. By working as one team
will be the biggest dry-cooled power station we were able to solve very long pending
in the world. TCE was consulted for quality project issues.
interventions to ensure compliance as defined. With an integrated approach of
using technology insights, providing
Challenges environmental solutions, making use of
Communication gap between client and project management expertise, the BU
contractors in the field of construction, could commission three units within a short
project management and engineering turnaround time.
document review process. Three units have been successfully
Huge backlogs on engineering documents commissioned and three more to go.
review and open NCRs/NODs. Unit-6 was synchronised on March 2015,
While implementing a complex Unit-5 on September 2016 and Unit-4 on
construction plan, TCE teams also faced May 2017 respectively.
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