Page 108 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
P. 108

Demystifying GREY

        Imbibing TCoC among new and existing employees
        continued to be a focus area in 2020. It was further               Hi!
        strengthened through focused communication
        during the "Ethics Week" in October '20. During this             I am
        week, several communications, e-learning modules,
        and training programs were rolled out to cover TCoC,
        POSH, Gift and Hospitality, Whistle Blower Policy, ABAC,   Dr. Owlivia
        and AML policies for all stakeholders and third Party
        workforce and Supplier/Partners.

        The senior management team actively participated in
        TCoC/POSH related communications at various forums
        such as BUMRM, COCs, DC Communication etc.

        A Pulse Survey on Ethics was also conducted to
        measure the progress/effectiveness of the Location
        Business Ethics (LBE) framework. External subject
        matter experts also trained TCE ethics Counsellors and
        POSH IC members.

        Did you Know?

            70%+ employees and associates participated in live
            POSH awareness session in Oct '20

            100% of employees are assigned e-learning
            sessions on TCoC and POSH

            For every 100 employees, we have at least one
            Location Ethics Counsellor to resolve ethical                      I am an ardent advocate
            dilemmas and investigate ethical concerns                          of all matters related to

            All locations have a woman ethics counsellor so                          Ethics at TCE!
            that women employees feel free to raise
            TCoC / POSH related concerns.                                    Stay tuned as I, Dr. Owlivia

                                                                                passionately share my
            All major construction sites (Domestic & Overseas)
            have dedicated LECs / POSH members                                 wisdom through stories,
                                                                                scenarios and exciting
            Contact details of LECs / POSH members are                                  quizzes.
            available on the Company Intranet – RHYTHM

            There is a helpline for reporting on ABAC related                Watch this space for more!
            matters, i.e.

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