Page 107 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
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        Tata Consulting Engineers Limited (TCE) is a signatory       Ensure mechanisms are provided for our
        to the Brand Equity & Brand Promotion Guidelines         stakeholders to raise concerns and report actual or
        (BEBP), which ensures that the Tata Brand and the Group   perceived violations of our Code
        philosophy on ethics, transparency and accountability
        is applied across the Group companies day-to-day          Ensure an environment free from fear of retribution
        business.                                                to deal with concerns raised or cases reported in
                                                                 good faith
        TCE follows the ethical principles laid out in the Tata
        Code of Conduct (TCoC). These are institutionalised,       To demonstrate leadership commitment to the
        formalised and practised by all TCE employees and our    ethical standards set out in this Code
        Business Partners.
                                                                  Comply with the laws of the countries in which we
        The TCoC commits us to:                                  operate and any other regulations which apply to us

            Doing business conforming to the highest moral    For understanding TCoC, please refer to the Tata Code
            and ethical standards                             Of Conduct

            Good corporate citizenship                        We are committed to conducting our businesses,
                                                              conforming to the highest moral and ethical standards.
            The economic development of the communities,      Accordingly, our Company policies are guided by
            countries and regions we operate in; while        principles of TCoC and are as below:
            respecting their culture, norms and heritage
                                                              1. Anti-Bribery Anti-Corruption Policy (ABAC)
            Not to compromise safety in the pursuit of
            commercial advantage                              2. Anti-Money Laundering Policy (AML)

            Highest moral and ethical standards and be fair and   3. Gift Policy
            transparent                                       4. Prevention of Sexual Harassment Policy (POSH)

            Respecting the dignity and human rights of all our   5. Whistle Blower Policy
                                                              The above policies are designed to reiterate and
            Avoid unfair discrimination of any kind and strive to   articulate the Company's commitment to ethical
            balance the interests of our stakeholders         practices and ensure that all employees and our

            Ensure that the statements that we make to our    Business Partners understand the scope and application
            stakeholders shall be truthful and made in good   of the TCoC entirely.
            faith                                             We have a robust mechanism to resolve any concern

            Avoid engaging in any restrictive or unfair trade   related to the TCoC. You can also write to
            practices                                         for a better understanding of TCoC or for resolving ethical

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