Page 105 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
P. 105

For example, we can build predictive models that will   To meet the above challenges, Facility Managers would
        indicate where and when the next problem could occur   have to decide what their KPIs are. Depending on their
        using Artificial Intelligence.                        most pressing needs, here is a snapshot of the top KPIs
                                                              used by Facility Managers:
        Information can be stored into the cloud and accessed
        from anywhere through any device (workstation, tablet,       Gross Facilities Management Costs per ft² of Floor
        mobile) from anywhere in the world centrally and         Area
        decentralised, automatically routing predictive alerts to
        engineers and technicians to take specific actions.       Operational Costs per ft² of Floor Area

        Digital Transformation for FM should be people-           Capital Costs per ft² of Floor Area
        oriented, customer-centric with innovative and
        streamlined communication channels. Digital               Number of End User Complaints
        transformation will transform your workers to         Assuming these top KPIs are being measured regularly,
        knowledge workers who will use technology to collect   it is possible to benchmark the results against a peer
        data and use the fast array of tools to process big   group. (Measurement is the first step that leads to
        data, transforming them into meaningful information   control and eventually to improvement. If you can’t
        and taking action upon at the time and place of their   measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can’t
        collection. This includes performance monitoring,     understand it, you can’t control it. If you can’t control it,
        predictive maintenance, energy management and         you can’t improve it.)
        related dashboards.
                                                              Goal: Increased Profitability KPI:
        Challenges in Facilities Management and               Operational Costs per ft² of Floor Area
        how Digital Facility Management can
        make a difference                                     Mobile apps can ensure process compliance, which
                                                              will lead to consistent service delivery, but how do
        The typical challenges that FM companies often face are  you increase operational efficiency – getting more
        described as below:                                   productivity from your service teams? This is where the
                                                              Internet of Things and real-time intelligence relating to
            FM enterprises are under pressure to reduce costs   your function comes in.
            and add value to their client organisations’ core
            business, typically the building owner or developer.  Fixed rotas drive many service tasks and inspections.
                                                              Cleaning, security and maintenance tasks are most
            They need to achieve continuous operational       often done in a pre-planned way based on standard
            efficiency improvement through service and        time intervals. The challenge is to drive your service
            technological innovation.                         business dynamically, based on need rather than on
                                                              fixed time intervals.
            FM enterprises are required to manage many safety-
            related issues. Failure to do so may lead to injury,   Internet of Things sensors placed on the assets being
            loss of business, prosecution and insurance claims.  serviced or monitored provide this real-time data
                                                              on the condition and performance of assets, be they
            There is a need for service delivery consistency by
            ensuring each service team member performs to     mechanical or electrical equipment, buildings, facilities
            the same standard and follows the same processes.  or environmental spaces.
                                                              IoT deployment also allows for a proactive service
            Client organisations demand Proof of Service      model to be put in place, increasing asset availability by
            Delivery, Attendance and Health and Safety        up to 19%. Extending an asset’s lifetime will reduce its
            compliance via regular reports.
                                                              lifetime cost.

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