Page 100 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
P. 100

Sometimes AI is embedded in the system and tools to   •   Just in time, employee query resolution
        identify the suitable candidates. Once the candidates
        are shortlisted, the recruiter can follow the normal   •   Verifications of the documents submitted by the
        selection process of checking the ability, potential, and   new employees
        recruit appropriate candidates.
                                                              •   Responding to the infrastructure requests
        AI also helps in advertising the available position   2. Career Path & Retention
        openings with the organisation, analyse interview
        outputs. The advanced technologies enable us to assess   Internal Knowledge Management system with AI can
        the likelihood of candidates joining the organisation;   be used as training modules by HR to provide new and
        post Job Offer is made.                               existing employees to learn, upgrade their skills, and
                                                              competency to the required levels. AI today is making
        Onboarding                                            considerable advances in big data technology. It can

                                                              mobilise huge and variable data sets with several
        After hiring a qualified talent for the organisation,
        the next step is to fit them into a new environment   biographs, performance reviews, and historical data to
        and make them comfortable and productive at the       improve the training and educative model.
        earliest.  It is the responsibility of HR to ensure that new   After using AI to improve technical competency and
        employees adapt to the organisational environment by   expertise, many companies are now using dynamic
        creating a digital onboarding structured, personalised   analysis techniques. These are used to check employees’
        program. It has been found that it is not easy to allow   positive & negative feelings and biases, which shall
        dedicated time to every new employee by HR.           measure employee sentiments, engagement, and
                                                              role in the organisation.  Two essential qualities of a
        So, by creating a customised digital onboarding       successful professional are towards productivity and
        procedure for each different position or skillset, it is   engagement. Therefore, to check these, organisations
        seen that it’s quite useful in making the new employees   use emotional analysis techniques to monitor employee
        happy and comfortable.  AI makes a significant        behaviour and performance indicators.
        contribution to improve the efficiency of employees
        and make them productive at the earliest. An important   It is possible to get employees’ unconscious level “of
        aspect is that the AI process shall be personalised to   information using smart people analytics & digital IQs.
        the extent and not familiar to all employees. The new   In this analysis technique, people statements, moods,
        employee who wants to interact with other employees   intentions in various social media platforms, and an
        and get organisation information will not know where   internal social platform are consolidated compressively
        to start. In this context, AI significantly contributes   and validates human behaviour. This AI is also simulated
        to enhancing and creating the first impression, thus   with human and validated; these are inputs available
        building confidence in the new employee. AI chatbots   to HR to evaluate and take corrective actions to
        are also used to answer all questions regarding       reduce attrition.  Software tools like monometers track
        organisation policies, rules & regulations.  This is useful,   employees’ sentiments over a period, try to point out
        so that employee gets only the required information   disgruntled employees to whom HR can speak, and sort
        and is not overwhelmed with excess details, thus      out the issue to retain them.
        making the onboarding process “just-in-time”.
                                                              Machine Learning algorithm can learn the behaviours
        The right tool and the correct information at the     of the people who have left the organisation, e.g., their
        start shall bring a positive impact on new employee   productivity level, reasons for leaving, and other data
        productivity with increased engagement.               sets. The algorithm can learn on this and predict who

                                                              is likely to leave the organisation for the future. Thus,
        As noted above, the following functions are covered in
        digital onboarding by using AI.                       HR professionals can design a system and framework
                                                              to retain the employees as a preventive measure
        •   Providing clarity in roles and responsibilities to be   or identify replacements in advance as a proactive
            performed                                         measure resulting in saving money and time for the
        •   Contact information for the employee to settle
            down within the system in the organisation

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