Page 99 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
P. 99

Even sports are not far away, and AI has made it fair   will enable Human Resources function to predict
        and better, whether a goal is legal or not in Football to   responses to such questions:
        whether the Batsman is out or not in Cricket.
                                                                  Which candidates are likely to join?
        – WHY?                                                    When would these candidates expect to join?
                                                                  Which employees are most likely to leave the
        The VUCA World is moving towards the need for agility,   organisation?
        disruption, and information on hand. AI is reshaping,
        and revolutionising human lives in all spheres, so        Who is expected to be the most productive?
        organisations adopt AI to enhance growth and improve
        productivity. This article shall study the AI technology’s       What would be the expected future performance
        usefulness, impact on HR Management, relevance,          post-training is imparted?
        its merit & demerits. Today, as all are aware of digital
        transformation and automation, AI shall find various       Who is most likely to be promoted?
        requirements in these Human Resources work process        Who is the most likely candidate as a Successor to
                                                                 the role?
        AI is changing the lives in multiple walks of life, and its   APPLICATION IN HR – HOW?
        presence is growing in all industries and various sectors
        of industry.
                                                              Organisations are trying to use AI in specific wherein
        The levels in which AI shall affect human life is     they feel confident that it can assist the HR personnel,
                                                              employee, and the organisation in improving
            Automation of mundane, tedious, time-consuming    productivity, efficiency, and reducing cost.
                                                              1. Recruitment and Onboarding
            Augment Human capabilities/abilities
                                                              AI helps recruiters analyse large data points, identify
            Amplification of the Human functions              and shortlist suitable candidates quickly for an
                                                              interview. AI provides solutions to explore not only
        AI empowers HR personnel with quality data and        structured data but also unstructured data points.
        enables them to work efficiently, i.e. to attract and
        retain top talent.  AI refers to a technology that can   As a Talent Acquisition solution, AI will help eliminate a
        perform tasks otherwise performed by humans. These    significant percentage on candidates by scanning and
        are not used in all functional areas, but only in a few   analysing the profiles, thus reducing the time otherwise
        functions where it is useful in many companies. In    spent by the HR Team. This will help the recruiter in
        general, the following tasks can be replicated like:   assessing and evaluating a smaller percentage of
        problem-solving, scheduling, training & reasoning, etc.  eligible candidates. As a result, AI would enhance the
                                                              quality of decision making in hiring.
        AI’s benefits in HR and workforce shall not be seen
        immediately, but it is a journey. We can observe      AI bots and assistance are used to provide a faster
        short term benefits in automation, medium-term        and efficient guide to the job applicant or candidate
        benefits by augmentation, and long-term benefits      by matching the job requirement and responding to
        in the enlargement of Human Tasks. Therefore, HR      applicant queries through NLP tool. Thus, resulting in
        professionals need to begin experimenting with AI     increased candidate engagement. The usage of AI in
        implementation benefits in the organisations and      recruitment reduces candidate drop-off rates.
        delivering value to the function. AI will not replace
        or reduce the HR roles instead will augment HR        Another importance of AI is, it removes human bias
        capabilities and create a collaborative environment.  during recruitment which can’t be released during
                                                              human evaluation. AI works on logic and reasoning,
        Artificial Intelligence, along with it’s two major    so screening the right candidates avoids unfair hiring
        components – Machine learning and Deep Learning,      practices and reduces human bias.

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