Page 102 - Tcexpression2021 - Sept to Dec 2020
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FUTURE PERSPECTIVE Amazon is the largest user of AI in Human Resource
Management. IBM uses AI to check on the anger or
The future is here now! violence problem about the job applicant. It uses a
facial expression recognition technology to check on
It is a journey that starts with the belief that AI will have the candidate suitability with the organisation.
a more considerable impact globally. The data strategy
embarked upon and analytics capabilities being built HR must utilise Artificial Intelligence as an enabler
in the organisations to lead us ahead. Financial Services resulting in a better impact on the workforce. HR
has been leading this technology with tools like Robo- Professionals would utilise quality time to analyse
advisory and Sandbox, Bots, etc. In the Automotive patterns, predict the future, focus on strategic thinking,
Industry, e.g. BMW looked at the shop floor of and use innovation for best practices. Embedding
enhancing their capabilities and smart manufacturing capabilities like predictive quality management,
processes by leveraging AI technology. In Supply Chain predictive process management, and current
Industry, e.g. Plant Logistics AI has been embedded organisational processes, enhance the candidate
for optimisation as continuous capability. In Energy experience and employee experience.
Management Sector, e.g. Schneider Electric’s predictive
IoT Solutions, using Azure with ML capabilities to look Intelligent Chatbots would enhance employee
up how they continuously tune up their models. This experience on queries and reduced response time.
has helped lower worker safety incidents, lowering Gartner predicts a Virtual World of Exponential Change.
the costs of servicing and enhancing pumps’ lifetime.
Walmart at Intelligent Retail Labs uses AI for tests and Impact and benefit of these above
learn innovative ideas. Amazon uses AI for customer functions in AI
preference recommendation, Swiggy uses for Route
Optimization in delivery. AI has been used in Life
Sciences and Diagnosis, e.g. TCS Labs, during COVID19, Ability to
has analysed and synthesised molecules and used the Ability to Which four features personalize
AI model to evaluate various scenarios and problem- do HR professionals
solving. most want to see
from AI? Ability to
In which functions does HR Ability to diagnose
see the greatest AI potential predict
in the next two years?
Does HR view AI as potentially disruptive
78% to talent management?
46% 46% 42% 40% 66% 57%
Say AI/machine learning Say augmented
Compensation will be disruptive over the Intelligence (using AI to
Analytics and Metrics next two years enhance human intelligence)
and Payroll will be disruptive
Talent Acquisition
Performance Citation Source -
Learning and Management
Deep-learning will transform the industries, and AI
Citation Source -
will significantly impact the global economic scenario.
HR professionals clearly understand the impact of
In the HR Function, with the advent of Artificial
Intelligence, the entire workforce is getting augmenting the human mind’s amalgamation and
revolutionised. Intelligent tools would replace machine learning for uninterrupted work processes and
mundane jobs. Robots would assist and act as co- creating an intuitive work environment.
workers for repetitive tasks.
102 TCExpresssion