Page 29 - Non_Financial_Annual_Report_2021 (10th June).indd
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Reimagine | Reinvent | Grow

        NOMINATION AND REMUNERATION COMMITTEE -                  Committee within the salary scale approved by the Board
        OTHER DETAILS                                            and Members and are effective from April 1, each year.
        •   Performance Evaluation Criteria for Independent      The Board of Directors, on the recommendation of the
            Directors:                                           Nomination and Remuneration Committee, decides the
            An indicative list of factors on which evaluation is carried   commission payable to the Managing Director and the Non-
            out includes participation and contribution, commitment,   Executive Directors out of the profits for the financial year
            effective deployment of knowledge and expertise, integrity   and within the ceilings prescribed under the Act, based on
            and maintenance of confidentiality and independence of   the Board evaluation process considering the criteria such
            behaviour and judgment by a Director.                as the performance of the Company as well as that of the
                                                                 Managing Director and each Non- Executive Director.
        •   Remuneration Policy
            The Remuneration Policy of the Company is designed to   The Company pays sitting fees of Rs. 20,000 per meeting
            create a high-performance culture. It enables the Company   to its Non-Executive Directors for attending meetings of
            to attract, retain and motivate employees to achieve results.   the Board and meetings of committees of the Board. The
            Our business model promotes customer centricity and   Company also determines to pays commission to the
            requires employee mobility to address project needs. The   Non-Executive Directors within the ceiling of 1 per cent
            Remuneration Policy supports such mobility through pay   of the Company’s net profits as computed under the Act’s
            models that are compliant with local regulations. In each   applicable provisions, with the members’ approval. The
            country where the Company operates, the Remuneration   said commission is decided each year by the Board of
            structure is tailored to the regulations, practices and   Directors, on the recommendation of the Nomination and
            benchmarks prevalent in the industry.                Remuneration Committee and distributed amongst the
                                                                 Non-Executive Directors based on the Board evaluation
            The Company pays remuneration by way of salary,      process, considering criteria such as their attendance and
            benefits, perquisites and allowances (fixed component)   contribution at the Board and Committee meetings, as
            and commission (variable component) to its Managing   well as the time spent on operational matters other than at
            Director and employees at large. Annual increments are   meetings.
            recommended by the Nomination and Remuneration


                          Audit & Risk      Nomination and                     Corporate Social
         Name of the Committee Management   Remuneration     Board             Responsibility   Executive Committee
                          Committee         Committee                          Committee

         No. of Meetings held     4                4                 8                2                 4

         Date of Meetings  May 15, 2020     June 24, 2020     April 27, 2020   June 24, 2020     August 18, 2020
                           June 24, 2020    September 01, 2020   May 15, 2020  January 27, 2021  October 27, 2020
                           November 09, 2020   January 27, 2021  July 03, 2020                   December 23, 2020
                           January 28, 2021  March 19, 2021   August 21, 2020                    December 29, 2020
                                                              September 01, 2020
                                                              November 10, 2020
                                                              January 28, 2021
                                                              March 31, 2021

         No. of Meetings Attended
         Mr Ashok Sethi           4                4                 8                2                 4

         Mr Sriram Kadiyala       4                4                 8                -                 -
         Ms Anjali Kulkarni       -                4                 8                2                 -

         Mr Amit Sharma           -                 -                8                2                 4
         Whether quorum was present for all the Meetings     The necessary quorum was present for all the above Board & Committee Meetings

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