Page 31 - Non_Financial_Annual_Report_2021 (10th June).indd
P. 31

Reimagine | Reinvent | Grow

           Risk Management


        In the rapidly changing business environment, the company       Various steps and initiatives were undertaken by central
        is exposed to several risks that could impact its businesses   support functions like HR, Administration, IT, Legal, Central
        adversely. It is imperative to identify, analyse and address such   Resources Team to facilitate our business operations
        risks and at the same time leverage opportunities for achieving   through the year.
        our objectives.
                                                                  At the start of the year, we started examining various
        Tata Consulting Engineers (TCE) has adopted the Enterprise   scenarios in this volatile environment and shared them
        Risk Management (ERM) process that recognises and seeks   with the management to prepare the Business Plans for
        to address the key risks across the bid stage and execution   the year. We also looked at multiple risks & opportunities in
        stage for projects while also evaluating strategic, financial,   India and overseas markets due to the Pandemic in each of
        operational, legal and reputational risks for Business Unit’s (BU)   our Business Units and Sectors to provide inputs to strategy
        & TCE. However, the risk management process and its elements   and budgeting exercise.
        continue to evolve and are enhanced further based on
        stakeholder feedback/inputs to support organisation strategy   All of the above steps have helped in strengthening our
        requirements.                                         Governance and Risk Framework to aid decision making. It
                                                              has also helped increase senior executives’ confidence in
        Risk managers prepare their organisations for all types of risks,   their decisions while assuring the Board that risks have been
        but very few would have imagined that they would one day   appropriately addressed.
        be faced with a global Pandemic that could strike swiftly and
        with such a broad impact, with no predictable end date. In
        such a situation with multiple parameters, it is imperative to   Risk Management Organisation: Chief Risk
        have an agile approach to business continuity and strategic risk   Officer primarily drives the Risk Function at the
        management.                                           Central level with guidance from the MD and the

        Steps taken by the company to deal with risks in these highly   Board. Business Unit level Risk Officers (BUROs)
        uncertain times are:                                  assist the Corporate Risk Team in deploying Risk
                                                              Frameworks to embed risk process in the day to
            We developed COVID-19 specific Addendum to our
            existing Business Continuity Plan. The document covered   day business activities.
            various aspects of business, like People Safety, Customer
            Connect, Operations, Delivery of assignments in India and
            overseas, Working Capital, Emerging challenges, etc.  During the year, we emphasised identifying, training and
                                                              handholding BUROs on live assignments with specific
            Risk management has been elevated to a more Strategic   responsibilities towards enhancing risk culture within the
            Management level. We have had daily management calls   individual Business Units on an ongoing basis.
            to deal with all kinds of risks/uncertainties that cropped up
            during the year.

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