Page 34 - Non_Financial_Annual_Report_2021 (10th June).indd
P. 34

22  Annual Report 2020-21

                 COST OVERRUN                     LIABILITIES                      INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (IP)

                 •   Costs may increase in projects due   •   Our project execution activities may   •   Although we protect our
                    to various reasons like:          result in liability as per Contract   intellectual property through
                                                      conditions.                      contractual arrangements,
                    ¶   Higher quantum of resources                                    registration, licensing, NDAs, etc.,
                        required.                 •   Force Majeure conditions being   we may not be able to prevent our
                    ¶   Schedule delays.          •   We could be exposed to significant   •   IPs’ infringement completely.
          KEY RISK AREAS  ¶  while being deployed on the   monetary damages, claims or   or purposely cause an infringement
                                                                                       Our employees could inadvertently
                        Resources being unoccupied
                                                      reputation risks due to deficiencies
                                                                                       of the client’s or third party’s IP
                                                      in service, any catastrophic event at
                                                      our project sites, etc.
                                                                                       Litigation to determine the scope
                                                                                       of IP rights, even if ultimately
                                                                                       successful, could prove to be costly.

                 •   Studying secondary data to identify   •   Adequate professional liability   •   Strengthen process, contracts &
                    issues/risks, quantify the same and   •   insurance at the organisation and   other mechanisms to safeguard our
                                                                                       IP, confidential information & trade
                                                      project level.
                    factor into the prices.
          MITIGATION STRATEGIES  management best practices to   avoid taking up significant liabilities,   •   Provide training to employees on
                                                      Proper due diligence at bid time to
                    Follow project and contract
                                                                                       the importance of respecting IPs
                                                      adhering to contract requirements
                    avoid cost overruns.
                                                                                       of our company and those of other
                                                      and professional best practices to
                                                                                       stakeholders, and the high price
                                                      prevent the imposition of penalties
                                                      or liabilities.
                                                                                       that we might become liable to pay
                                                                                       in case of IP infringements.

                 •   Lower profitability.         •  •   Unexpected and huge costs.  •  •   Unexpected and huge costs.
                                                      Negative impact on profitability.
                                                                                       Consumption of a significant
                    Disputes with client.
          AREAS IMPACTED                          •   Negative impact on reputation and   •   amount of senior management’s
                                                                                       attention and time.
                                                      brand value.
                                                                                       Negative impact on reputation and
                                                                                       brand value.

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