Page 32 - Non_Financial_Annual_Report_2021 (10th June).indd
P. 32

22  Annual Report 2020-21

        Key Risks and How We Mitigate Them

                 ECONOMIC RISK                    BUSINESS ACQUISITION &           HUMAN RESOURCES
                                                  REVENUE FLOW

                 •   Demand for our services is mainly   •   Acquisition depends on several   •   People are our company’s most
                    Capex based. Sectors in which     factors external to TCE like     important resource; hence ensuring
                    our clients operate may get       economic trends, risks like      their safety and well-being is our
                    impacted by economic downturns,   Pandemic cycles, government      main priority.
                    reductions in government or       policy, market conditions, etc.  •   During times of reduced business,
                    private spending, political and   •   Delays or reduction in new orders   the challenge would be to
          KEY RISK AREAS  •   Uncertain global economic and   •   affects the targeted revenues.  effectively train resources in
                    economic uncertainty, etc.
                                                                                       required skill sets and utilise the
                                                      Revenue generation could also be
                                                                                       available workforce profitably.
                    political conditions on account of
                                                      negatively impacted due to internal
                    Pandemic may negatively impact
                    the ability and willingness of
                                                      inadequate planning, etc.
                    our clients to announce or fund   issues like lack of matching skill sets,
                    projects, pay our invoices in time.
                 •   Varying degree of likely growth
                    forecasts across countries, regions,

                 •   TCE has multiple Business Units (BU)   •   Identify new sectors / areas /   •   Developing specific learning and
                    across sectors, making it immune to   adjacencies of growth        re-skilling programs.
                    the downturn in any single industry   •   Develop new key accounts & enter   •   Better and flexible workforce
                    and also enable us to capture new   new areas through partnerships,   •   planning practices
          MITIGATION STRATEGIES  •  •   Diversify business across sub-  •   Build customer connections &   practices.
                    opportunities which can come up
                                                                                       Enhancing employee engagement
                    during the Pandemic.
                                                      deepen the relationship, especially
                    sectors, geographies, Opex vs
                                                      with key accounts.
                    Capex, look for adjacencies, etc.
                                                      Ensure rigorous but flexible project
                    Proper due diligence of clients,
                                                      risk management.
                    projects to ensure at bid time that
                    viability, funding tie-up etc. are in

          AREAS IMPACTED  •   Ability to generate new business,   •   Reduced revenues and profits.  •  •  •   Reduction in revenue and profits.
                    generate revenue out of existing
                                                      Employee morale affected.
                                                                                       Quality of deliverables affected.
                    business as well as make collections
                    for current and past dues.
                                                                                       Negative impact on the Brand

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