Page 35 - Non_Financial_Annual_Report_2021 (10th June).indd
P. 35

Reimagine | Reinvent | Grow

                    JOINT VENTURES (JV) /                    INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS

                    •   We perform certain contracts as a    •   Our international operations
                        member of JVs, partnerships, and        are exposed to additional risks
                        similar arrangements. There is a risk   and uncertainties, including
                        that our partners may not fulfil their   unfavourable political
                        contractual obligations to us or our    developments and weak
                        clients.                                economies. E.g. unexpected
          KEY RISK AREAS  to control the actions of our         policies, potential non-compliance
                                                                changes in the Government
                        We would have limited ability
                                                                with regulations and evolving
                        JV partners, including non-
                                                                industry standards, renegotiation
                        performance, default, bankruptcy or
                                                                or nullification of our existing
                        legal compliance.
                                                                contracts, social, political, and
                                                                economic instability, currency
                                                                fluctuations, etc.

                    •   Proper due diligence of JV partner
                        during pre-bid/bid stage, esp. on    •   Proper due diligence during bid
                                                                time in terms of country or location
          MITIGATION STRATEGIES  •   A strong back-to-back contractual   •   economically unstable or weak
                        financial ability, experience and
                                                                risk. Avoid excessively risky, unsafe,
                        track record.
                                                                countries or geographies.
                        arrangement to pass on liabilities
                                                                Have systems and processes to
                        and penalties to JV commensurate
                                                                ensure compliance to all key
                        with their share in the partnership.
                                                                regulatory, Government and
                                                                contractual compliances, standards,
                                                                laws, etc.

                    •   Impact on quantity and quality of
                        project deliverables.                •   Loss of business.
          AREAS IMPACTED  •   Loss of reputation.            •  •   Safety and security risk of personnel.
                        Loss of revenue and profit.

                                                                Impact on revenue and profits.
                        Legal costs and waste of time
                                                                Impact on strategic targets of
                                                                improving our global footprint.

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