Page 33 - Non_Financial_Annual_Report_2021 (10th June).indd
P. 33

Reimagine | Reinvent | Grow

                 CASHFLOW                         INFORMATION / DATA VIOLATION /

                 •   Many of our contracts have   •   Processes are being followed to   •   The loss of or a significant reduction
                    milestone-based payment terms,    properly identify confidential   in business from the key client(s)
                    due to which we may incur high    information of the company & other   will harm the revenues.
                    costs before we can raise bill and   stakeholders and prevent leakage.
                    receive payment.                  However, there remains a risk of   •   Despite good relationships and
                                                      loss of confidential information.   performance by TCE, such client(s)
                    Cash flows from projects can
                                                                                       may sometimes be forced to delay
          KEY RISK AREAS  fluctuate significantly over the   increased in a Work from Home   or cancel their contracts due to
                                                      The chances of data breach have
                    execution period depending on the
                                                                                       changing business scenarios.
                    delays, contingencies, etc.
                    Due to the current Pandemic, our
                    clients could be severely stressed
                    in terms of funding ability and
                    liquidity which may negatively
                    impact our cash flows.

                 •   Follow-up to get the collection in   •   Training and sensitisation of   •   Conscious efforts at dependence or
                    line with the contract terms      employees about the importance   concentration on any single client
                                                      of maintaining confidential      or sector.
                 •   Enhanced focus on contract &   •   information.               •   Develop newer key or large
                    claims management through
          MITIGATION STRATEGIES  •   to ensure project delivery with   •   Confidentiality agreements from   •   Strengthen business relationships
                    review rigour at various levels
                                                      Obtaining specific NDAs /
                                                                                       with clients at all levels.
                    Due diligence and factoring in
                                                      Tightening of IT security measures.
                    locked capital or cash flow impact
                    into our bid pricing.
                    Where possible, negotiating for
                    favourable payment terms and
                    granular milestones

          AREAS IMPACTED  •  •   Impact on working capital.  •   Unexpected and huge costs.  •  •   Inability to achieve acquisition and
                                                                                       revenue targets.
                                                      Loss of business.
                    Higher cost of financing.
                                                                                       Impact on profits.
                                                      Negative impact on reputation and
                                                      brand value.

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